The Value of Adversity (the oak tree poem)

Posted on Jun 8, 2014 under Adversity & Challenge

When life gets dark and dreary, when the clouds of discontent swell and burst hard upon you with so much utter violence and ferocity you can scarcely take it anymore, let this simple poem inspire you through the toughest parts of your most challenging moments.


The Incredible Power of Words

Posted on Jun 3, 2014 under Personal Development

Words are the bodies the soul of an idea is born into. The quality of our words attracts others to our cause or repels them from it. Sometimes, the quality of an idea is enough to give it wings. At other times, the words used to convey an idea are the nails in the coffin of its premature death.


Failure is What You Make of it

Posted on May 29, 2014 under Personal Development

Most people think failure is a bad thing to be avoided, to be ran from, hidden, afraid of and discouraged. And frankly, it doesn’t feel good at all. In fact, it feels terrible, sometimes like you’ve been slammed in the face with the shovel. It’s a fall, a step back, evidence you suck! But it’s not that at all.


How to Influence People even though You’re a Hypocrite

Posted on May 26, 2014 under Character & Values

Too often, our words get drowned in the noise of our own behavior. We tell others to live one way and yet fall woefully short ourselves. This is inevitable because we are all imperfect beings. The problem is less our inconsistency and more our lack of humility.


How to Stop Cringing in the Mirror (recognizing what’s truly beautiful)

Posted on May 22, 2014 under Mind & Attitude

Why do we start paying so much attention to things like wrinkles and nose lengths and freckles and blemishes and all our perceived imperfections? Why do we look so closely at the so-called blemishes that we miss the beauty that surrounds the “blemish” entirely?


How Regret Poisons Happiness (and the simple antitode that stops it)

Posted on May 19, 2014 under Personal Development

Have you ever wished you had done things differently? Or wished someone else hadn’t done what they did? Have you ever longed to go back and repeat something from your past so you could go a different way, choose a different path, change your mind, do over the thing you did or was done to you?


How to Easily Turn Procrastination off and Motivation on

Posted on May 15, 2014 under Inspiration & Motivation

Do you struggle to get things done? Do you procrastinate until it’s either too late to finish or too late to finish adequately? Well, did you know there was a simple mind trick that can magically transform your procrastinating ways into the motivation you need to finally be a productivity wizard?


10 Invaluable Life Lessons from Mom

Posted on May 11, 2014 under Love & Relationships , Marriage and Family

Motherhood is a profession worthy of a 7-figure celebration. In fact, Motherhood is the highest paying job on the market. What other position pays in the currency of so profound and deep a love as a Mothers’ love?


The Burning WHY that Inspires your Soul (getting things done, part II)

Posted on May 9, 2014 under Inspiration & Motivation

Find the burning WHY that drives you and the HOW will follow. Your WHY is what burns in your soul. It is the reason behind your activity. It is the fundamental purpose and passion that animates you.


The Best Kept Secret to Getting things Done (part I of III)

Posted on May 6, 2014 under Productivity

There’s a reason Michael Jordan is Michael Jordan and not Michael Phelps or Michael J. Fox or Michael Jackson. His name became synonymous with basketball because basketball is what he focused all his time on. He lived and breathed it. He married it. What have you married? What do you live and breathe?


Don’t Despair: Most People are Decent

Posted on May 1, 2014 under Character & Values

When it seems like everyone has betrayed you, don’t lose hope. Remember, most people are decent. Even when it is difficult to see, most are behind the scenes of life, doing the work of living decent lives.


How to Overcome the Gravity of Inertia

Posted on Apr 28, 2014 under Inspiration & Motivation

It’s often the very first step that’s the hardest. Writing the book is not always the toughest part. It’s writing the first word on the first page. Running a business is often easier than exercising the guts to start it. The first step of every journey is often the most difficult to take which is why relatively so few journeys are conscientiously taken and so few dreams fulfilled.


Simple is Easy (to neglect)

Posted on Apr 25, 2014 under Personal Development

It’s often the simplest things that have the most profound effects on our lives. It’s also often the case that those simple things—especially if the effects of doing them are not immediately apparent—get put off most regularly.


The Power of Decision

Posted on Apr 23, 2014 under Inspiration & Motivation

There is a startling power contained in the seed of Decision. When unleashed, it can be used to build an amazing life of purpose, passion and meaning, to realize a dream, end a bad habit, start a good one, influence people, improve relationships, develop a talent, learn a skill, add joy and happiness to the rush of living.


Are you Problem- or Opportunity-Minded?

Posted on Apr 21, 2014 under Mind & Attitude

Here’s the challenge with problem-in-every-opportunity thinking: We become blind to the possibilities the problem presents when we are geared to seeing only, or even primarily, the problem.


When Through is the Only Way Around

Posted on Apr 18, 2014 under Adversity & Challenge

What do you do when life painfully crashes and burns and you find yourself scraped, bruised and buried under the weight of disaster and heartache? Do you run and hide? Or do you get up and fight back with all that’s inside of you?


Free Your Imagination to Unleash Your Potential

Posted on Apr 16, 2014 under Inspiration & Motivation

You are limited only by the limits you place on your imagination. But once you open the door to any possibility, you free yourself of self-imposed confines and restrictions.


Inspiration on the Go (some changes here at Meant to be Happy)

Posted on Apr 14, 2014 under Inspiration & Motivation

Sometimes we need a step-by-step how-to manual of 101 Ways to live Happier Lives to get us through the vicissitudes of life. Other times, all we need is a reminder, inspiration to look anew at the old to start making changes. I invite you to begin now to become who you most want to


How to Forget Once you Forgive

Posted on Apr 11, 2014 under Character & Values

The truth of the matter is that the mind records all it experiences. Add sharp emotion to the experience, and you have a recipe for an elephant-like memory of the nitty gritty. So can forgetting the acts of others against us truly be forgotten? Not likely. So what could the admonition to forgive and forget really mean then?


Decluttering and Simplifying my Online Life (refocused and rededicated)

Posted on Apr 8, 2014 under Life

To say I’ve been unfocused in the wilderness of new ideas is an understatement. But as the old proverb goes, if you chase two rabbits, you won’t catch either one. I would add that if you’re chasing 20 rabbits, a raccoon and a squirrel or two, you might as well say goodbye to everything else you used to do. And so am simplifying the online clutter I’ve been creating of late. See how…


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