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Posts Tagged ‘Character’
9 Moral Monsters That Creep in the Night
“I’m terrified at the moral apathy, the death of the heart, which is happening in my Read More.

A Letter of Love from Above (The Virtue of Happiness)
Are you happy? Are you truly, really, deeply happy? Can you experience what might be called Soul Satisfaction? Are you at peace? Is your heart filled with love? Do you wake up grateful for the opportunity to live yet another day? I want that for you more than you can possibly know. I want you to wake up excited about life, hopeful for your future, in love with those around you, living a life of purpose, meaning, joy and goodness.

11 Reasons to be Grateful for Life’s Trials, Challenges and Difficulties
Truly grateful people are the happiest amongst us. But what are the truly grateful thankful for? Well, for everything. Deeply happy people are even thankful for the trials and tragedies they pass through. Come see why you too can be grateful for the most challenging parts of life.

The 14 Spiritual Laws of Intimate Communication
Relationships can get complicated. And communication fumbles can further complicate them. I know. I’ve complicated mine more times than I want to admit. But the good news is that effective, even intimate, communication can be learned, broken relationships healed, happiness returned and love restored.

11 Things Happy People Almost Never Do
“Happy people are happy people because they do what happy people do.” Those people we Read More.

Grit: The Missing Ingredient to an Awesome Life
How many dreams have been still-born by a single rejection letter or a bad interview or a critical co-worker? How many dreams have never even been inseminated by the fertilizing agent of action because of doubt and the lack of conviction or the pull of the status quo or just plain laziness? And most importantly, what quality is missing in such circumstances and how do we develop it?

20 Ways to Grow your Gratitude
Gratitude is not reflected in what happens to us, or how others treat us, or in the good deed someone does for us. It is something we carry with us into every moment of life. It’s an attitude, a way of looking at the world and interpreting events and interacting with others. Here are ways to grow your gratitude today.

The Inside-Out Approach (Be the Change)
To attack corporate greed while living in your own world of personal greed is to throw stones at a giant for doing on a large scale what you’re doing on a smaller one. The difference is in degree, not kind. First, remove yourself from the problem to have the credibility to call others to action.

10 Ways Little White Lies are Slowly Ruining Your Life
Honesty, of the “my-word-is-my-bond” variety, seems to be an endangered species. But it shouldn’t be. It should be protected more actively than any species on the brink of extinction. Here’s why…

How Betrayal can be a Higher Form of Loyalty
Would you consider yourself a loyal friend? If so, to what are you loyal? To the friendship? Or to the person you are friends with? Do you see the difference?

Why You Need Challenges (life’s unkind mirror)
Circumstances less often create the person as they reveal who we already are. Certainly, they help shape us over time. But at any particular moment, trying circumstances show us a truer mirror than we may want to peer into. This is why…

“Complete System Failure” (a vital lesson in moral vigilance)
If we protect our computer systems with spam filters and virus protection and firewalls and the like, why do we so quickly download such awful garbage into the most important memory storage system we will ever own?

My Final Words to my Graduating Seniors
As a high school teacher, I send almost 200 kids off into the world every year to try figure out where they fit in the world. But if I’ve merely taught them the finer points of the subjects I teach, I believe I’ve failed them. The following words are a more polished version of what I share with them each year on the last day of class.

How to Influence People even though You’re a Hypocrite
Too often, our words get drowned in the noise of our own behavior. We tell others to live one way and yet fall woefully short ourselves. This is inevitable because we are all imperfect beings. The problem is less our inconsistency and more our lack of humility.