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Author Archive
Embrace Your Inner Amateur (especially if you’re an expert)
An amateur is a person on the way up, a person working to do what they have not yet been recognized for doing. It is a person who gives their dreams everything they have and everything they are. And in the process, they break new ground and forge new paths and discover new territory.

4 Ways to Change Your Mindset to Change Your Life
Today’s post was written by Akash Gautam, a motivational speaker in India. Too many of us spend too little time on developing our faculties and just expect things to fall in place. Your external situation is merely a reflection of your mindset. When you develop and understand your mind, you change everything.

Why New Year’s Resolutions Have Gotten a Bad Rap (and why you should still set a few)
If you’re like 92% of those who set any goals at all, you’re looking in the mirror right about now feeling guilty and disappointed with the person you didn’t quite become. With goal-setting odds stacked overwhelmingly against you (all but a mere 8% crash and burn somewhere between January’s excitement and December’s memory lapse), it’s easy to feel those nasty little joy-suckers of shame, disappointment and regret. But maybe you don;t have to feel that way…

Grit: The Missing Ingredient to an Awesome Life
How many dreams have been still-born by a single rejection letter or a bad interview or a critical co-worker? How many dreams have never even been inseminated by the fertilizing agent of action because of doubt and the lack of conviction or the pull of the status quo or just plain laziness? And most importantly, what quality is missing in such circumstances and how do we develop it?

20 Ways to Grow your Gratitude
Gratitude is not reflected in what happens to us, or how others treat us, or in the good deed someone does for us. It is something we carry with us into every moment of life. It’s an attitude, a way of looking at the world and interpreting events and interacting with others. Here are ways to grow your gratitude today.

Happiness is Not for You
Have you searched for and grasped at happiness and found it fleeting and inconsistent? Are you tired of the effort, disappointment and frustration? Perhaps you’ve already come to the same conclusion I have, that happiness is just not for you, that, indeed, it was never meant for you. Now, before you jump to conclusions here, keep reading to see what I mean.

What To Do When No One Will Pay You To Do What You Love (when passion doesn’t pay)
If you have a passion for something, pursue it! If it courses in your veins, give it life. Develop your talents. Become great at what you do. There is beauty and life and happiness and meaning in it irrespective of the dollar value others will or will not pay you to express it.

The Surprising Difference between Ordinary and Extraordinary
It’s not that people who do great things are great people and the rest of us shmoes are the gray residue stuck at the bottom of the ordinary barrel. It’s that they are willing to …

The Inside-Out Approach (Be the Change)
To attack corporate greed while living in your own world of personal greed is to throw stones at a giant for doing on a large scale what you’re doing on a smaller one. The difference is in degree, not kind. First, remove yourself from the problem to have the credibility to call others to action.

10 Ways Little White Lies are Slowly Ruining Your Life
Honesty, of the “my-word-is-my-bond” variety, seems to be an endangered species. But it shouldn’t be. It should be protected more actively than any species on the brink of extinction. Here’s why…

How Betrayal can be a Higher Form of Loyalty
Would you consider yourself a loyal friend? If so, to what are you loyal? To the friendship? Or to the person you are friends with? Do you see the difference?

To Stand Still is to Sink (in the ever changing current of life)
Life is in constant flux. Its in constant motion, growing and shrinking, lifting and falling in undulating waves of constant change. To simply stay on course, therefore, requires internal mobility—a willingness to bend and adapt, to learn and grow.

How to (almost) Guarantee Success (trading fear for belief)
What would you do if you were guaranteed success? What would you start if you knew you could not fail? What dream has been wet down and stuffed in the back of the closet because you were afraid you would never be able to reach it? Here’s the problem …

Why You Need Challenges (life’s unkind mirror)
Circumstances less often create the person as they reveal who we already are. Certainly, they help shape us over time. But at any particular moment, trying circumstances show us a truer mirror than we may want to peer into. This is why…

“Complete System Failure” (a vital lesson in moral vigilance)
If we protect our computer systems with spam filters and virus protection and firewalls and the like, why do we so quickly download such awful garbage into the most important memory storage system we will ever own?

The Happy Life of a Blogger (7 ways blogging can improve your happiness)
Perhaps you’ve wondered how blogging has affected the lives of bloggers. There are, of course, 6 and 7-figure income bloggers. There are world-traveling bloggers. Blogging has brought notoriety and book-signing deals and public stages for many. But for me, the most obvious reward has been a boost to my personal happiness. Perhaps yours can be enhanced by blogging as well. Click here to see how blogging can improve happiness.

4 Life Lessons Learned from my Daughter’s Baby Shower
Life has a way of getting in the way of our plans and mixing things up a bit. And that’s okay. What matters most about life’s little sucker punches is the way we deal with them and the lessons we learn because of them. Here are 4 life-lessons I’ve recently been thinking about since a special event in our lives.

Belief is Overrated (kick it up a notch)
Belief is the blanket we wrap ourselves in when life seems cold and dark and harsh. It is the hope that shines in the darkened tunnels of life. It is a framework, a map and a marker on the path we choose to travel. It unlocks doors and oils hinges and greases paths. But it’s only the starting point.

How to Work, Love and Live with Negative People
Do you regularly interact with the chronically negative? Is there someone in your life who whines and moans and complains about everything, predicting doom and gloom around every corner, seeing dark clouds brooding in every silver lining? If you do, you don’t need me to tell you how draining it can be. But how can you protect your own happiness around such regular negativity?

My Final Words to my Graduating Seniors
As a high school teacher, I send almost 200 kids off into the world every year to try figure out where they fit in the world. But if I’ve merely taught them the finer points of the subjects I teach, I believe I’ve failed them. The following words are a more polished version of what I share with them each year on the last day of class.