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Posts Tagged ‘Inspiration’
A Letter of Love from Above (The Virtue of Happiness)
Are you happy? Are you truly, really, deeply happy? Can you experience what might be called Soul Satisfaction? Are you at peace? Is your heart filled with love? Do you wake up grateful for the opportunity to live yet another day? I want that for you more than you can possibly know. I want you to wake up excited about life, hopeful for your future, in love with those around you, living a life of purpose, meaning, joy and goodness.

Why New Year’s Resolutions Have Gotten a Bad Rap (and why you should still set a few)
If you’re like 92% of those who set any goals at all, you’re looking in the mirror right about now feeling guilty and disappointed with the person you didn’t quite become. With goal-setting odds stacked overwhelmingly against you (all but a mere 8% crash and burn somewhere between January’s excitement and December’s memory lapse), it’s easy to feel those nasty little joy-suckers of shame, disappointment and regret. But maybe you don;t have to feel that way…

How to (almost) Guarantee Success (trading fear for belief)
What would you do if you were guaranteed success? What would you start if you knew you could not fail? What dream has been wet down and stuffed in the back of the closet because you were afraid you would never be able to reach it? Here’s the problem …

The Incredible Power of Words
Words are the bodies the soul of an idea is born into. The quality of our words attracts others to our cause or repels them from it. Sometimes, the quality of an idea is enough to give it wings. At other times, the words used to convey an idea are the nails in the coffin of its premature death.

10 Invaluable Life Lessons from Mom
Motherhood is a profession worthy of a 7-figure celebration. In fact, Motherhood is the highest paying job on the market. What other position pays in the currency of so profound and deep a love as a Mothers’ love?

The Burning WHY that Inspires your Soul (getting things done, part II)
Find the burning WHY that drives you and the HOW will follow. Your WHY is what burns in your soul. It is the reason behind your activity. It is the fundamental purpose and passion that animates you.

Are you Problem- or Opportunity-Minded?
Here’s the challenge with problem-in-every-opportunity thinking: We become blind to the possibilities the problem presents when we are geared to seeing only, or even primarily, the problem.

Free Your Imagination to Unleash Your Potential
You are limited only by the limits you place on your imagination. But once you open the door to any possibility, you free yourself of self-imposed confines and restrictions.

Inspiration on the Go (some changes here at Meant to be Happy)
Sometimes we need a step-by-step how-to manual of 101 Ways to live Happier Lives to get us through the vicissitudes of life. Other times, all we need is a reminder, inspiration to look anew at the old to start making changes. I invite you to begin now to become who you most want to

Motivation needs a Reminder
A well-known motivational guru was once challenged about the very idea of motivation. His antagonist complained that motivation doesn’t work because it doesn’t last. It wears off, so can’t be all the guru suggested it was …

Inspire Me (Now!): 10 inspirational photo quotes
Ideas are powerful things that can take on a life of their own, digging like roots deep into our hearts and souls and branching out into the circumstances of our lives as we nourish and tend to the germinating seed of thought. Come see my top 10 favorite ideas captured in picture quotes, ready for bite-sized consumption!

The Extraordinary Story of an Unlikely Hero (your past does not predict your future)
So often, we look down the road of our lives through the prism of the past, projecting that past onto the unknown and unknowable future, somehow dirtying it. For some of us, all we need to empower the decision to take our foot off the brake of life is the inspiration of a powerful example, proof that it can be done, that someone as regular and normal as me with all my limitations, baggage, insecurities and emotional problems has done it before.

3 Inspiring Quotes from the First 3 Presidents
Not all Presidents of the United States are equally worthy of being quoted. Some have even been downright dreadful for the country. And yet we can confuse the issue with what historians call presentism, judging historical figures by contemporary standards. With this caution in mind, while our first three Presidents were certainly imperfect and products of their times, their words continue to inspire us today.

31 Things that Add Joy to My Life
Do you spend much time doing things that make you feel good and laugh or feel inspired and happy inside? The more we can fill our lives with joyous moments, the happier our lives will be. It’s the little things that really often count the most. See if any of mine resonate with you.