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Posts Tagged ‘Joy’
How to Find Peace and Happiness After a Divorce – 3 Steps to Rediscovering Joy
No one enters a marriage planning on its demise. But sometimes what began with great hope and expectation, filled with love and marital joy, turns toxic. This post isn’t about finding lost love, or restoring trust or fixing what seems irreparable. Rather, once divorce has severed the marital relationship, how do you find happiness in your life again? In fact, we offer three steps for finding joy after divorce.

Happiness: Detangled, Dissected and Defined
It seems there are about as many definitions of happiness as there are people who spend any time talking about it. But some of the definitions leave us wondering whether we would even recognize the thing if it were to hit us between the eyes in broad daylight. So what is it? When we know what it is (and isn’t), we will better know how to find it and how to keep it.

How to Stop the Cycle of Unhappiness (12 steps to a happier you)
Have you ever felt frustrated that you weren’t as happy as you thought you should be, that you were stuck on some evil treadmill of unhappiness or that every time you thought you were feeling happy, something pulled the rug out from under your feet? Learning what to stop doing to be happy is as valuable as learning what to do. Come see if you agree…

11 Things Happy People Almost Never Do
“Happy people are happy people because they do what happy people do.” Those people we Read More.

Happiness is Not for You
Have you searched for and grasped at happiness and found it fleeting and inconsistent? Are you tired of the effort, disappointment and frustration? Perhaps you’ve already come to the same conclusion I have, that happiness is just not for you, that, indeed, it was never meant for you. Now, before you jump to conclusions here, keep reading to see what I mean.

The Happy Life of a Blogger (7 ways blogging can improve your happiness)
Perhaps you’ve wondered how blogging has affected the lives of bloggers. There are, of course, 6 and 7-figure income bloggers. There are world-traveling bloggers. Blogging has brought notoriety and book-signing deals and public stages for many. But for me, the most obvious reward has been a boost to my personal happiness. Perhaps yours can be enhanced by blogging as well. Click here to see how blogging can improve happiness.

22 Reasons I’m Happy (this is my happiness story)
It’s my birthday today and was going to post another installment of “Things you don’t know about me” when I decided on a whim to share my personal happiness story with you instead. Here are 22 reasons I’m happy.

Today is Your Masterpiece!
Today is a blank canvas waiting for you to paint your personal masterpiece onto it. It is your unfinished Sistine Chapel, your David and Mona Lisa. This very day is waiting to be fashioned and formed into something beautiful, breathtaking and sublime.

Life is Messy (get used to it)
Instead of trying to cram the messy abundance of life into neat little packaged moments of perfection, learn to laugh at the unpredictable and smile at the inopportune.

Be Happy Anyway
People will disappoint you. Be happy anyway. Life will throw you off your plans. Be happy anyway. Others will lie and lead you astray. Be happy anyway.

Celebrating Life
Why do we wait for anniversaries to celebrate marriage? Why do we wait for birthdays to celebrate births? And why do we wait for funerals to celebrate life? Why wait for the day of the event or the end of a life to celebrate what we could be celebrating daily?

The Perfection of Imperfection
We are all different, doing different things, living different lives, coming to this point in time, right now as you read these words from different trajectories with different backgrounds and circumstances. So why do we think we all need to do the same things, look the same way, act like everyone else and live the same lives? The obvious answer is that we don’t!

Pithy Love (24 of my favorite amorous one-liners)
For this Valentine’s Day, I offer you some of my most pithy thoughts on humanity’s favorite topic. Perhaps you’ll even find a nugget of wisdom buried amongst all the pith as well!

7 Reasons Happiness Matters
Does happiness truly matter? Does your happiness really make a difference? I contend it does. As a matter of fact, there is little in life more important than how happy you are. I would even add that happiness is the very object and design of your existence. This is not as far-fetched as you may think. See why.

The Happiness Movement Launch! (with a special invite to bloggers)
Something deep inside me yearns to reach millions, to extend the message of happiness to every corner of the globe. Not being one to sit around and wait for things to happen, I’m launching The Happiness Movement. Check it out and take a look at the special invite/offer to bloggers.

The House-ness of your Happiness (three fundamental characteristics of happiness)
Have you ever remodeled, repaired and re-carpeted the living room of your life only to watch the whole house sink into the mud of frustration, disappointment and boredom? Learning where happiness resides is often the first step to developing more of it in your life. A house is a handy metaphor to help us understand just how to build an amazing mansion of happiness in your own life.

How to Cure Boredom Forever (four simple solutions)
Are you bored? Has life lost some of its excitement and interest? Boredom is a pernicious thief of happiness, stealing joy from the moments a life is made of. It is a symptom of something misaligned in our lives. Learn how to end boredom forever with just a few simple changes and begin to enjoy a happier, more rewarding life.

The Happiness Pledge
Happiness is the byproduct of other things. It is the natural effect of the way we live, the way we think, the way we act and believe. Come take the Happiness Pledge as a commitment to those characteristics that add to happiness and start the process of living with more joy than ever before.

How to be Happy at Christmas (10 tips for beating the Holiday blues)
For many, the Holidays are not happy times. They are filled with stress, anxiety, loneliness, despair, discouragement or a sharp case of the holiday blues. But they don’t have to be. There can be so much more joy in the Christmas season than you think. There are, in fact, specific steps you can take to have a happier, more meaningful Christmas this year, even if circumstances are not ideal.

What Happiness Looks Like Naked
Happiness isn’t much like most other goals we pursue. You can aim directly at losing weight, for example, or learning Chinese. But not so much with happiness because happiness is the natural byproduct of other traits that can be more directly targeted. So what is happiness? What are the characteristics that compose it? Come read and see how much of its parts are a part of you.