4 Life Lessons Learned from my Daughter’s Baby Shower

Baby shower

Note: I made these observations almost 2 years ago, but never posted them. Not even sure why, but decided to share them with you anyway. Waste not, want not, right?

The Long-lost Post

Today is my daughter’s baby shower. It’s her first baby (my first grandchild!) and we’re all excited about the coming addition to the family.

Yesterday, I helped them move to a larger apartment to accommodate that addition.

It got me thinking about life. Here’s some random observations I’ve had of late:

4 Life Lessons

Lesson#1: Sometimes life makes us squish things too close together (moves and baby showers), but that’s okay. One day follows another no matter what we fill each of them with. There will always be the third day when moves and baby showers are over. And then life dishes up another set of challenges to juggle. And that’s okay too! The sun will rise again.

Lesson#2: People matter. The man who married my daughter is the man who serves virtually all my blogging tech needs. My mom serves almost all my design needs (she created my header design). Sometimes the people who can most help you are standing right next to you. All we have to do is ask.

Lesson#3: Change happens. Deal with it! It seems like my daughter is changing by the day. Her little one, buried in her liquid home, is growing like a weed. My daughter glows. Another human being is growing inside her. That amazes and inspires me. Life is a spectacular design. It never stands still for very long. And so babies become mothers and mothers become grandmothers and grandmothers become great grandmothers. And life keeps rearranging the furniture and changing the wall paper. And all of it is just beautiful.

Lesson#4: Small things are small things no matter how big we make them. My daughter, who was just sitting on my lap as I read her a bedtime story the other day is now about to give birth to her own. Time flies too fast to worry too much about the little things in life. People mess up. Correct them and teach them, but don’t dwell on the mess-ups. Pick up your kids and hug them every single day. Fill their ears and hearts with earned praise and unearned love. Both are important.

Bonus Lesson#5: Go with the flow. The very evening we helped set up for the baby shower (a garden theme in my brother’s backyard), it started to rain. It rained again the next day (the day before the baby shower). My mom looked at me and asked what we’re going to do. I replied, “We’ll tell her she’s having a real baby shower now! Even heaven is celebrating.”

She laughed and nodded her head. Sometimes life unloads at the wrong time. But timing is irrelevant, really. It’s how we adapt to inconveniences that make them so.

Your Turn!

What insights have you gleaned from life’s Big Moments? Please share in the comments.
