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Posts Tagged ‘Positive thinking’
How Regret Poisons Happiness (and the simple antitode that stops it)
Have you ever wished you had done things differently? Or wished someone else hadn’t done what they did? Have you ever longed to go back and repeat something from your past so you could go a different way, choose a different path, change your mind, do over the thing you did or was done to you?

22 Reasons I’m Happy (this is my happiness story)
It’s my birthday today and was going to post another installment of “Things you don’t know about me” when I decided on a whim to share my personal happiness story with you instead. Here are 22 reasons I’m happy.

Today is Your Masterpiece!
Today is a blank canvas waiting for you to paint your personal masterpiece onto it. It is your unfinished Sistine Chapel, your David and Mona Lisa. This very day is waiting to be fashioned and formed into something beautiful, breathtaking and sublime.

Motivation needs a Reminder
A well-known motivational guru was once challenged about the very idea of motivation. His antagonist complained that motivation doesn’t work because it doesn’t last. It wears off, so can’t be all the guru suggested it was …

Trials are Neutral, Attitudes Are Not
Why do some people get crushed by difficulty, like so many boulders smashing the life and kindness right out of them? Why do they turn bitter and sour and hateful, while others rise to the occasion and come out better than before?

You Are What You Think (the story of a pig who thought he was a man)
I remember hearing a story of a pig who thought he was a man. The other barn animals laughed him to scorn, held up pictures and diagrams to demonstrate quite clearly, and beyond refute, that the pig was indeed just a pig. Then the pig walked out of the barn, shook his head in disbelief, and drove off in his red convertible.

Be Happy Anyway
People will disappoint you. Be happy anyway. Life will throw you off your plans. Be happy anyway. Others will lie and lead you astray. Be happy anyway.

How to be Miserably Unhappy in 10 Simple Steps
There are 2 complementary ways to learn how to do anything, whether it’s driving, playing a sport, a musical instrument, starting a business or becoming happy. One way is to learn what to do and how to do it. The other is to learn what not to do and how to avoid it. This is a sort of anti-map to happiness. A map that identify the potholes and detours and debris along the path to a happier life.

What Do You Have to Complain About? (Challenge #1)
Some people go through life complaining about the weather, complaining about the economy, complaining about the neighborhood, even complaining when there’s isn’t enough to complain about! They moan and groan about anything and everything and nothing at all. Their complaints quickly become the sound of nails on chalk boards, their voices shrill with the whine of helplessness. It can be raining gold coins in their backyard and they’ll complain about the flowers crushed by the falling wealth. Stop it!

You are Your Own Self-Fulfilling Prophesy (the crazy incredible power of thought)
We are what we think about over time. We are the accumulation of all our attitudes, beliefs, fears, hopes and dreams, all the thoughts that fill our minds on a regular basis. We are our own self-fulfilling prophesy. Our thoughts are the prisons we condemn ourselves to or they are the keys we use to unlock possibility and potential. There are ways to unleash that potential and live a life of deeply rewarding happiness.

The Happiness Pledge
Happiness is the byproduct of other things. It is the natural effect of the way we live, the way we think, the way we act and believe. Come take the Happiness Pledge as a commitment to those characteristics that add to happiness and start the process of living with more joy than ever before.

25 Unusual Reasons to be Grateful
Gratitude, it turns out, is no small issue. It can be life-changing, radically altering the way we see and interpret life. Gratitude is the electricity that ignites happiness. It is the breeze that lifts it. It is the context that allows it. This post is my attempt at enlarging the list of things we are grateful for, at reducing what we habitually take for granted and thereby providing some lift and electricity to our happiness. So take a look below at some atypical, unconventional things on my gratitude list.

Gratitude on Steroids (how to be insanely grateful everyday)
Gratitude, like other attitudinal traits, takes practice. It requires consistent reprogramming of your brain until it becomes a natural, automatic response to life’s circumstances. It is at that point that gratitude ceases to be a thing practiced, and starts to be a natural expression of an inner condition of the soul.

The Optimist Creed: Why Optimists are so Optimistic!
Are you an optimist? Do you see silver linings and half-full cups? Optimism is an essential quality for happiness at its potential. The pessimists refrain that “I don’t think things will work out for me” is hardly the recipe for happiness, after all. But what are the basic beliefs of the optimist? Click on in to read my take on the Optimist Creed!

10 Ways to Think Yourself Happy
We are what we think. And what we think and how we think it plays a significant role in the happiness we enjoy or in its elusiveness. Do you want more happiness? Come see what ways of thinking will automatically add more joy to your life. Learn to be possibility, long-term, and solution oriented. Think positively and learn to choose the thoughts that fill your mind.

16 Principles of Happiness from the 16th President
Lincoln struggled with bouts of depression, especially after losing his son to Typhoid. To make matters worse, he had a wife who would fly into fits of rage and verbal abuse. Honest Abe can teach us all about happiness, in part, because he struggled so much with his own.

3 Final Ways Optimism Adds Joy to Life
Growing up with negative pessimists will likely leave an emotional and attitudinal imprint of negativity and pessimism. Growing up around praise and positive attitudes of optimism

3 More Ways Optimism Adds Joy to Life
“A pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity; an optimist sees the opportunity in every Read More.

3 Ways Optimism Adds Joy to Life
People who reflexively look at life and see hope and opportunity and beauty and noble Read More.

The Joy of Practical Optimism
Life is experienced differently – even radically differently – by those who generally see the Read More.