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Author Archive
5 Beliefs that will Radically Change Your Life Forever
Does your life matter? Do you have worth? Is life meaningful? What you believe about you, about who you are and what you can do and what limitations there are on you will largely determine how your life plays out. To change the outcome of your life, change the beliefs you have about it. Some beliefs will weigh you down. Others will free you to rise. Which beliefs do you have?

48 Unconventional Things I’m Grateful for … that I bet are not on your list!
We are all thankful for things like family, friends, health, freedom, happiness and the like. But what of the more ordinary and mundane? Do we think of such things when we count our blessings? The more we fill our awareness with gratitude, the happier life will be.

How to Change Your Life in One Simple Step
What you believe about life, yourself, what matters most in life, determines how you live, what you do, how you think, what you value. Belief creates reality. The Truth is constant, but our interpretations of it are not. For deep personal change to stick, beliefs must be questioned and replaced. How you live is a direct result of what you believe.

The Post I Thought I’d Never Write: How I Write a Post
I never thought I’d write a post on any aspect of blogging. You see, blogging is the vehicle by which I convey ideas I believe can change lives. But my passion is for the ideas rather than the particular vehicle used to convey them. But as I thought about it, words are the tools of the trade of communicating those ideas. So when a fellow blogger asked me to write a post about how I write, I decided to give it a go.

Random Acts of Wisdom: Wise Comments from Wise Readers
My readers are amazing! Come in and eat at the buffet of wisdom and insight they provide as I launch this first in an on-going series of posts where I use quotable excerpts from comments left on posts I’ve published here at M2bH to introduce topics that will inspire and motivate, enlighten and instruct us all on our shared journey to living better, happier, more rewarding and fulfilling lives.

Metaphors of the Mind: How to Change Your Thoughts and Have Fun Doing It!
What thoughts do you allow on the stage of your mind? Thoughts are powerful things that shape our lives and largely determine our futures. They create the foundation on which our lives are built and the quality of the material used to build them. So what is the quality of your thoughts?

The Tyranny of Memory
We fear losing it as we age. We take supplements to boost it. We buy books and listen to programs to improve it. But memory can also work against us, tying us to old beliefs, daily ratifying suspicions of self-doubt. In such cases, memory becomes insidious, eating away like tiny incessant termites gnawing at the structure of our lives. But you can stop that process beginning today. Come see!

Should I Change the Name of my Blog?
I’m seriously considering changing the name of my blog. Have I outgrown a blog on happiness? What do you think? I deeply value my reader’s opinions. I have always paid great attention to what you have shared in the comments and am now hoping you will help me decide what direction to take now. Ultimately, the balls in my court, of course. But I value your input and am hoping to tap it.

4 Popular Sayings that Stop You Dead in Your Tracks
There are saying that have become integrated into the human psyche. We accept them as truth. “A penny saved is a penny earned” or “Nothing ventured, nothing gained.” Such words and phrases eloquently capture time-honored wisdom. But other sayings can imprison potential and undermine possibility as we accept them at face value. Come see which phrases you’ve used recently!

Are You “Really” Good Enough?
Many bloggers today will tell you that you are perfect, complete and good enough as is. Is that true? Are you a project that has been finished, the last brush stroke dried, the canvas of your life complete, ready to be hung on a wall? Or is there more work to be done? If so, does that mean you’re not really good enough yet? And what does being good enough really mean anyway? And does it matter? Click on in. The answers may surprise you!

A Satisfying Life is Good Too
Personal growth bloggers like to motivate their readers to risk more and do more and become more, facing challenges head on and living on their own terms. Inadvertently, however, we may be guilty at times of making our readers feel guilty for living a very normal life of little moments of daily enjoyment. Never apologize for living a peaceful life of personal happiness.

The Ghosts of Blog Posts Past: My Nominees for “My 7 Links”!
Yay! I’ve been nominated for the My 7 Links blog post project. The project’s objective is to bring bloggers together to share life lessons, particularly from posts long ago settled to the bottom tiers of our dusty archives by asking us to resurrect 7 articles that fit 7 categories. Part of the project is to nominate up to 5 others for the honor. Come see some of the posts I’ve resurrected and who I nominated!

51 Permissions Granted by Life
Are you your worst critic? Do you beat yourself up over small mistakes? Sometimes we can find it so difficult to allow ourselves the right to simply be human. We demand and expect so much of ourselves. Come read this post and see what permissions Life would grant you as you struggle to figure out the balance between self-expectations and self-acceptance.

The Time is Now!
Are you secretly longing for something more? Are there obstacles that stand in your way? Or have you fallen asleep at the wheel of your life? Well today is the time to wake up! Grab hold of the wheel, and start steering in the direction of what ticks inside your heart and soul. Now is the time. Stop waiting for things to change. And start taking action to change your life forever!

The Joy of Memory
Memory is a powerful tool to provide us with direction, comfort, inspiration and even correction. Our memories can work against us or serve us. Check out my guest post at Life, for instance on that topic and click here to read how other childhood memories can serve us here on our journey through life.

5 Deadly Cancers to the Human Soul
There are physical cancers that destroy the body. There are also moral cancers that destroy character, self-respect and relationships of all kinds. Come read and learn the differences between character cancers and misdiagnosed character traits and how to root out the destructive cancers before they devour the characteristics and conditions of a happy life.

“I Love You Most-er!”
What do you love most in life? Do your actions reflect that love? My son taught me a valuable lesson one evening camping out in the backyard in a tent. The moment was beautiful. The lesson will be lasting. I invite you to come read (and see how amazingly adorable my son is) as you reevaluate your values and priorities at the feet of a 5-year-old little boy.

Embrace your Inner Mosquito
What kind of life do you want to live? Who do you want to be? What kind of family do you want to have? What goals do you want to pursue? Early one morning, I was attacked by a crazy mosquito that taught me something about life and goals and success. Come read and find out what this bug taught me and how it can help you break through the barriers in your life today.

Where Have All the Heroes Gone?
Do you have a hero? Heroes provide us with embodied examples of the virtues we care about. They play a powerful role in our lives to inspire us to climb higher, reach further and live better lives as we see them face extreme circumstances with dignity, courage and decency. 9/11 introduced us to modern heroism. Are we inspired to live heroic lives ourselves?

Quotable Notables on Happiness, Part III
Welcome to the final post in the series, Quotable Notables on Happiness. Visit the blogs of those posted and feel their spirit and inspiration. Everything the human being experiences can be measured biochemically. That’s no surprise. The revelation is that our thoughts and attitudes, what we focus our attention on over time, can change our biochemistry. Come on in and read the rest to discover ways to live happier, with more joy.