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Posts Tagged ‘Faith’
A poem:
I felt like a fraud, a deceiver, a liar.
I’m guilty, imperfect, I’m ripe for the fire.
I fall short, I am weak, impatient, unkind.
I’m lost and I’m broken; I’m spiritually blind.

What is Faith?
Faith is hope for the future, confidence in covenants and promises made, power in the priesthood, fruit of the Atonement, and the step in our discipleship. It is why we open scripture and bend knee and serve and bless and persevere.

Belief is Overrated (kick it up a notch)
Belief is the blanket we wrap ourselves in when life seems cold and dark and harsh. It is the hope that shines in the darkened tunnels of life. It is a framework, a map and a marker on the path we choose to travel. It unlocks doors and oils hinges and greases paths. But it’s only the starting point.

22 Reasons I’m Happy (this is my happiness story)
It’s my birthday today and was going to post another installment of “Things you don’t know about me” when I decided on a whim to share my personal happiness story with you instead. Here are 22 reasons I’m happy.

My Single Greatest Source of Strength
When life gets dark and difficult, when it gets dim and murky, when I’m disillusioned or frustrated or down, there are things I can do to feel better. But one source of strength rises to the top of the list for me.

7 Steps to Spiritual Intimacy: how to repair your marriage by repairing its soul
We are not merely physical. We are emotional and intellectual as well. We are also spiritual. As such, to neglect the spiritual side of our lives is to neglect a foundational part of who we are at the most fundamental level. To build relationships ignoring that vital part of our natures is to create a relationship that hobbles on one leg. Spiritual intimacy adds depth to our most cherished relationships.

Are These 4 Beliefs Poisoning You?
There are things that matter and things that don’t. Some of those beliefs and ideas that don’t matter can actually poison the soul and kick us where it counts. Here are 4 things that don’t matter. But they can also lead to destroyed lives of waisted potential and deep sadness. Avoid these pitfalls for a much more rewarding life of happiness and decency.

4 Things That Truly Matter
When we live lives disconnected from those things that truly matter, sidetracked by the unimportant, lost in the frivolous, distracted by the superficial, our lives start to ring hollow, empty and vacant. But when we fill our lives with weightier things, our lives feel bigger, more meaningful and happier.

Faith Moves Mountains. Doubt Creates Them
Guest post from Naveen Kulkarni: Faith and doubt, two powerful states, both able to change our experiences in life. One can propel us forward, pushing through obstacles, overcoming caverns of opposition, reaching and stretching further than could have been imagined. The other creates the very opposition that thwarts achievement, slows progress and prevents us from following our dreams and passions. Come read Naveen’s insight and motivational post to help you past your doubts to have faith in your capacity to take action today.

10 Ways to Believe Yourself Happy
Belief is a powerful thing. We act out of our beliefs. Our convictions and values are based on what we believe to be right or good or true. And what we believe also impacts how we feel as well. One way to change how we experience the world is to change what we believe about it.

8 More Ways Faith Can Increase Happiness
Religion offers a powerful context for the development of traits that help produce happiness in Read More.