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Posts Tagged ‘Acceptance’
A poem:
I felt like a fraud, a deceiver, a liar.
I’m guilty, imperfect, I’m ripe for the fire.
I fall short, I am weak, impatient, unkind.
I’m lost and I’m broken; I’m spiritually blind.

11 Things Happy People Almost Never Do
“Happy people are happy people because they do what happy people do.” Those people we Read More.

4 Life Lessons Learned from my Daughter’s Baby Shower
Life has a way of getting in the way of our plans and mixing things up a bit. And that’s okay. What matters most about life’s little sucker punches is the way we deal with them and the lessons we learn because of them. Here are 4 life-lessons I’ve recently been thinking about since a special event in our lives.

How Regret Poisons Happiness (and the simple antitode that stops it)
Have you ever wished you had done things differently? Or wished someone else hadn’t done what they did? Have you ever longed to go back and repeat something from your past so you could go a different way, choose a different path, change your mind, do over the thing you did or was done to you?

The Perfection of Imperfection
We are all different, doing different things, living different lives, coming to this point in time, right now as you read these words from different trajectories with different backgrounds and circumstances. So why do we think we all need to do the same things, look the same way, act like everyone else and live the same lives? The obvious answer is that we don’t!

Pithy Love (24 of my favorite amorous one-liners)
For this Valentine’s Day, I offer you some of my most pithy thoughts on humanity’s favorite topic. Perhaps you’ll even find a nugget of wisdom buried amongst all the pith as well!

Stupidity is Thicker than Blood (lessons from a 6-year-old)
Why do we take the whole of humanity and carve them up into distinct categories of subdivided, semi-related, subgroups, sorted and classified as separate clusters of generalized identities, all tagged and marked for racial and lingual and socioeconomic distinction, subsectioned into demarcated and clearly separated differences? Why not think of others the way my son does?

The Meaning of Love (quotes on love from name-brand bloggers)
What is love and how can we grow our own little pot of it? Love is more than some might think. I contacted some of personal development’s blogging superstars to ask them to contribute their two cents on the topic for this Valentine’s Day post. Click on in to read their responses (and a few of my own thoughts).

5 Ways You Can Finally Achieve Emotional Independence
A life of emotional independence is one wherein my mood and self-esteem and self-worth and happiness are products of my own design. I am not the product of others’ opinions. My feelings are independent of theirs. Others don’t “make” me mad. I choose my emotional responses to life’s circumstances.

10 Priceless Gifts Your Children Need from You Today
What do your kids most need from you? Here are 10 gifts you can give your children that will change their lives … and yours … forever. Come see why parenthood is such serious business. There’s no other business, in fact, more important you can spend your time and energy building. Average parenting requires average effort. Great parenting requires more of us. It requires us to work on the inside, on the person who is the parent. Offering these gifts will require that deep commitment to what’s best to raise happy, loving and decent men and women.

Inner Peace Like a Piece of Pizza
Have you ever had a conversation with your food? Me either. Until one day … (Excerpt): “My slice of cheese pizza had no jealousy for the meat-lovers slices or envy for the supreme slices. It didn’t judge the Canadian Bacon … or itself, for that matter. It was simply what it was. Nothing more. Nothing less.” There’s a lesson even a slice of pizza can teach the best of us. Come check it out.

Accept the Things to which Fate Binds You
You can spin you’re wheels day in and day out complaining about what you don’t have, or you can spend the same hours in the same days grateful for what you do have.

There is Change in All Things
“There is change in all things. You yourself are subject to continual change and some Read More.