“A small body of determined spirits fired by an unquenchable faith in their mission can alter the course of history.” ~ Mahatma Gandhi
So, are you ready to change the world? Do you believe you can?
I do.
“But how?” you might be wondering.
Well, the answer is quite simple. I won’t be amassing armies of clones or droids. I won’t be zipping around the universe, zapping everything that disagrees or opposes me. I won’t use intimidation or usurpation or fear. I won’t even try to exercise any mind control tricks on the unsuspecting masses.
In fact, I’m going to change the world one person at a time.
That’s it.
Simple, right?
On one level, it’s all about YOU reading these words right now. I have YOU in mind as I craft the words I share with you week in and week out. You’re in my heart as I express the ideas that I spend so much time researching, thinking and writing about, editing and rewriting every day.
You’re part of my vision. You’re part of my plan. And you’re part of my passion. You’re why I do this.
It’s Easier Than You Think
My plans are not so outlandish as they may appear at first blush.
Anyone can influence change in one person, after all. So why not two? Or ten? Or 100? Then why not more?
Even if I only help 100 people make life-altering changes, that’s 100 of 7 billion people who change.
You see, by changing any part of the world, I’ve changed the world itself just as changing an ingredient in a cake, changes the cake. And even 1/7,000,000,000th of a change is still a change.
But where would someone who plans on changing the world one person at a time begin? Who is that single person to start the ball rolling, to build momentum, whose change will most enable me to carry out my global aspirations?
Sure, writing articles here for you is one way to reach out and touch lives beyond the shout of my voice, extending my thoughts and ideas to eyes and ears that otherwise would never hear them. But more fundamentally, my game plan is even more basic than that.
How to Begin
Here’s the secret to my plans to change the world (drum roll): I plan to change the world by changing the man writing these words, thinking these thoughts, setting these goals. You see, I’ll start by changing me.
That’s the one person I’ll begin with, the one who will initiate the momentum needed to change an ever increasingly larger chunk of the world.
The thing is, once he’s changed, I’ll almost automatically begin to influence others around me, those who know me, who I’m married to and who call me dad and brother and neighbor and friend in subtle and real ways.
The beauty of the plan is not only in the simple obviousness of it as a starting point, but in the fact that, in the end, I’m the only one I can directly control anyway. I’m also guaranteed a willing follower, even if not always as pliable to my will as desired.
Really, that’s where any revolution must begin. People just don’t follow unexemplified and disembodied words. True leadership is leadership by example, by loving, by caring, by doing and by being.
But I don’t plan on stopping there!
The Nature of the Change
Meant to be Happy is the extension of that desire to effect change in others, to inspire more from all of us. It’s the format for my own personal growth and the hope that others will read my thoughts and want to come back to discover other ways to take steps into a life of immense joy and dizzying happiness with me.
That, then, is the nature of the change I plan on instigating. Really, it’s all in the header of my blog: Strong character. Courageous growth. Clarity of thought. Purposeful living.
By making such changes in our lives, the happiness we all want, the potential of it in its highest and brightest form, its durability even at its testing points in life becomes the possibility and even the likelihood we strive to attain.
Let’s Start … Today!
So join the quest! The march is on! We’re headed for the hearts and souls of 7 billion brothers and sisters.
Let’s go change the world and let’s get started today! Start by lifting up the hood of your own life, tinkering around with the gears that drive you forward. Shine and polish the dashboard of your life.
Then march forward with me in love and faith, blessing one, then two, then 10, then 100, then many, many more lives.
And watch the world around us change!
By ourselves, we can do it.
Together, we’re unstoppable!
When all is said and done, we really only have one of three options to choose from:
- We can oppose the movement to change the world.
- We can get on board and be a part of that movement.
- We can watch the marchers march on by and hope one day to have more time to do our part.
- So what are you going to do? March, get in the way or sit on the sidelines?
- How will you join the march to change the world?
Please share your thoughts in the comments below.
Did you find value in this article? If so, please Tweet and Share and +1 it to spread the word. The revolution has begun! Pick a side and take action today!
Have you read my eBook, A Walk Through Happiness? If not, follow the link to subscribe and get the eBook free!
Photo credit: Stephanie Rutt
Hi Ken,
I sure do, and I am in process. Of course I am in change mode constantly, but I do see amazing changes with my readers as well. There has never been a time when more people have been interested in spirituality and intuition – it’s like an explosion. As you know, I find it fascinating! I never thought about it in terms of changing the world, but now that you mention it, it is exactly what is happening.
Hope all is well with you (sounds like it!)
Julie | A Clear Sign recently posted … Psychic Experiment #7 | Memoirs and 100 Things About Me and a Prize
Hi Julie,
It’s true, I’ve seen a lot on intuition and spirituality all over the place. Change happens whenever one person changes. Often, those changes encourage others around the person changed to take steps to grow themselves. That inspiration can be radiated out indefinitely.
And yes, things are going well with me. Hope all is wonderful for you too!
Yes.. It always starts with ourselves. We cant inspire and talk about change when we have not experienced it ourselves.
Glori recently posted … 10 Introvert Quotes to Get You Thinking… and Smiling
It’s easier to pull a sting down a path than push it, as they say. So getting out there in front, so to speak, by walking the talk, is so important if we’re to inspire much change out there.
A Course in Miracles goes one step further by teaching that when we change the only thing we can, ie, ourselves, we thereby change the world. Delusions of grandeur?
Galen Pearl recently posted … A Legacy of Blessing
So true, Galen. Even if we never effect change in a single person, by changing ourselves, we’ve effectively changed that single part of the world, and therefore altered the world. Delusions of grandeur? Perhaps. But that’s a delusion I’m fine with. 🙂
Beautiful post Ken,
Changing ourselves changes whole world around us. So true.
This sentence inspires me to share few thoughts about the change itself.
Change can be physical as well as the way we perceive things. It can also be about how we think about a situation or a problem.
Changing the angle how we look at it, can amazingly transform the situation or solve the problem.
It’s about how we look at it.
Let us embrace the change.
Naveen Kulkarni recently posted … 5 Amazing Benefits Of Living In Present
Thanks Naveen,
You’re right. There are two ways changes can occur. Change the thing or change the perception of the thing. Sometimes the one needs changing and sometimes the other. It’s wisdom to know the difference between them and when one is best altered over the other.
Thanks for adding that important insight.
Early on in my personal development journey, I found it to be totally amazing that, the more I worked on myself and changed, the more the people around me changed.
Back then I wasn’t trying to change the world. I was just trying to be a little happier. But after years of experiencing what is possible by letting go of the past and changing ourselves, I’ve been inspired to light the same torch in as many people as I can.
Using the torch analogy, if each of us “only” lights 100 other torches, each of those torches will go on to light others so that eventually, we will have affected all 7 billion people. We’re all connected in the great web of life.
I’m with you in the movement, Ken!

Paige | simple mindfulness recently posted … The Unschooling Revolution: Taking Education Into Our Own Hands
I like the torch analogy, Paige. Nicely said. It paints a very vivid image that is really inspiring. To know the impact I can have as it radiates outward simply by cleaning my own proverbial garage is quite heady stuff! There are some pretty amazingly remote parts of the world, but the internet has given humanity such an advantage in reaching out to many of them, as far flung as they may be.
You’re an awesome person, Paige. Such a blessing in this collective effort to reach out and bless lives!
Hi Ken,
I do hope that my blog has helped people change and so made the world a slightly better place.
I have helped some friends and others that I know. So I have helped in my immediate circle.
I do think that there are questions of scale to be addressed as we become successful. This is fairly easy with blogging. But as to shipping money or objects overseas it gets more complicated. There are lots of organisations doing this that we can access because others have responded to the realities of scale.
Evan recently posted … Authenticity is the Killer App for a Satisfying Life
Hey Evan,
I’m confident you have helped all kinds of people. Agreed. The more people come to read what we write and apply what we advocate, the broader and deeper our influence will be. And then there are internal changes of attitude and personal growth and external changes of conditions of poverty and access to medicine and sanitary drinking supplies. And good people everywhere can choose how they will affect that change, focusing on children or alcoholics or battered women or issues associated with governmental oppression or democratic reform, etc.
Good points, Evan. Thanks for sharing.
Hi Ken, thanks for the amazing article.
Your article reminds me of a line from Michael Jackson’s Man in the Mirror – “If you want to make the world a better place, take a look at yourself and then make the change”.
It all started with one person that is our individual self. We change the world how we perceive it, which translate to our actions. Then through our actions other people see it as example. That’s how change spread – not by words but by action, and yes like you said – one person at the time.
Haha! That’s funny because I actually made reference to those lyrics in the original draft of my post when I said something to the effect of “starting with the man in the mirror.” But in editing, I felt it was a little cheesy and change it to something else.
The influence human decency and happiness can have on others is truly amazing. And so much of that influence will never be seen or even known. It moves in ever-broadening concentric circles of influence as those we directly touch touch others who touch other and so on.
Thanks for your thoughts, Aaron. I truly appreciate it.
I’ve always said that I want to leave a positive impact on anyone or anywhere I’ve touched. This is my motto. When I walk away I want to leave (at least) something good or something beneficial. I reckon that if I build up these stones one at a time, I could eventually build a mountain of good hope.
Anne recently posted … Confident Quotes For Happiness
What a beautiful motto to have, Anne! Thank you for sharing that bit of inspiration. Imagine a world where everyone tried to leave every interaction we had with people better, blessed in some way! Even if we fail, even if we fail most of the time, that effort to reach out and bless and inspire will do so much to change the world.
I suspect that you are building quite a tall mountain of hope in the lives of many, many people!
Strong character. Courageous growth. Clarity of thought. Purposeful living. Those four phrases say it so well! Life is not worth living if not with those ideals. It truly is powerful to think of how Gandhi, Mandela, and Martin Luther King, Jr., among others, changed the world. It’s a bit intimidating to contemplate trying to change the world as they did, but it comes down to a commitment to Change, and the rest will follow.
Steve Borgman recently posted … Here’s A Secret for Living Life Now
Hey Steve,
Thanks for stopping by. You said it well. Such movement leaders are both inspiring and can make us feel like we’re not much more than tiny drops in the bucket of change. But truth is, I’ve never thought to be so influential. Would it be nice to inspire positive change in the numbers who were affected by their movements? Heck yeah! But you and I work in the area of freeing the soul and the mind and heart. We are in the market of personal freedom from self-imposed limits to our inner potential. Such personal movements will not likely ever be a big as political movements for political freedom. So I’m content at occupying my little corner of the internet world espousing ideas that can deeply impact happiness and character and inspire steps toward realizing our God-given potential, expanding personal freedom from fear and selfishness and limiting thoughts and beliefs and attitudes and the like. So ours is a smaller scaled mission of no lesser import. It good to be int eh trenches with you!
BTW, Ken. I’ve now added your blog to by blogroll on my ‘How to build confidence’ blog and signed in here as that link (the right one). I’ve taken it off my relationship blogroll page because I think the confidence site fits it better. What do you think?
Anne recently posted … Confident Quotes For Happiness
Thanks Anne! 🙂
There does seem to be a more obvious connection to your confidence blog.
As one of my mentors puts it, “lean into it.”
A powerful thing happens when we embrace change. Instead of pushing rocks uphill, we can ride a wave, or make one.
I like it! It’s funny how much we fight change. When all along, every advance, every improvement, every added good has been due to a break from what things were like before.
You know whats funny? Were twins. I was writing a book on this very subject a few months ago (but decided to end the project.) Anyway, YOU have the power to change the world. It goes much deeper too.
People don’t realize what they bring into the world in any given day can potentially reach thousands of people. Its a snowball effect. It starts with yourself, then it rubs off on others around you, then others around them and so on. I love this topic!
Brandon Dean recently posted … Simple Living
Hey Brandon, that would be an awesome topic for a book. Why’d you cut it short?
I love the point you made. It reminds me of an old shampoo commercial that ended with the voice in the ad telling us to tell two friends who then tell two friends who then tell two friends, and so on. As the announcer is issuing that challenge, it shows the exponential growth of the number of people using the shampoo as two friends turns into 4 and then to 8, then 16, then 32 and soon it shows what seems like hundreds of people. We really can have that kind of influence as those we influence go influence others for good.
Thanks for that bit of insight, Brandon!
I might finish it in the future but at the time I didn’t have enough confidence to launch it. I think I still have a little to learn about this area of life 🙂
Brandon Dean recently posted … Increasing Your Attention Span
Don’t we all! 🙂
This is one of the hardest thing to do, but very satisfying as you progress.
On another note, that picture of Darth Vader is cute (if that adjective ever applies to him).
Vanessa recently posted … adult costumes
Haha! I wanted to go cute or cool and still keep from infringing on copyrights. Not much cool that didn’t belong to the studio, so went with cute.
Just one person at a time, starting with ourselves. It’s usually when we try to take huge leaps into change that we hit roadblocks.
Thanks for stopping by, Vanessa!
Let my memory
Envelop your heart in smiles,
Love and happiness
That is my wish. I am a drop in the ocean but I am trying to be a cheerful river that flows strong for the people whose lives I touch. Slowly and steadily, when I see that I am making a difference, it inspires me to do more. And I hope I can continue to do my best for as long as I live.
“Man In the Mirror” is one of my favorite songs. 😀 And I loved that you included one of my favorite posts “Dashboard of youf life” here. Oh, how I love it!
Super, Ken. I am always happy to come here and read your blog. You shine so bright.
Vidya Sury recently posted … Collecting Smiles
Everything you do , Vidya, seems to envelop all of our hearts in smiles, love and happiness! While we may be just drops in the ocean, every ocean is nothing more than the resting place of individual drops like yours and mine!
This is simply beautiful, Vidya: “I am trying to be a cheerful river that flows strong for the people whose lives I touch. Slowly and steadily, when I see that I am making a difference, it inspires me to do more. And I hope I can continue to do my best for as long as I live.” I reread it a couple times to catch the inspiration and beauty of it. Thanks so much for sharing it!
I pale next to your glow, my dear friend!
i love the idea of changing the world through people
if you affected some people by your words who in turn affected others then you can actually change the world
awesome idea and post
One at a time! Then you have an army of two. Then they recruit and so on until there are hundreds out in the world, working to change it. Thanks for the kind words, my friend. Hope all is well with you!
Hey Ken,
I’m definitely on board, I humbly helped a young boy recently to hopefully get a new wheelchair recently and I’ve been doing the same as you for many years, so I walk with you on this quest! 🙂
Amit Sodha – Unlimited Choice recently posted … How To Rewire Your Brain For Wealth
We’re marching forward, Amit! 🙂
I think that is just amazingly awesome that you’re helping that young boy you mentioned get a wheelchair. To give someone mobility is such a tremendous blessing. More independence and self-direction and control over his life. I’ll keep my fingers crossed and throw a few prayers upwards in hopes that he gets it.
I’m always touched and inspired by people like you who reach out to others in need in such profound and tangible ways. Thank you.
No no, thank you!! Lets keep marching forward! 🙂
Amit Sodha recently posted … The Non-Science Of Relationships – Guidelines To Meet Amazing People.
Excellent article. I did wonder when you were going to admit that you were going to change yourself.
Of course by changing yourself you don’t just affect other people it changes how you perceive the world – for instance whether or not you are likely to perceive more or less reasons to be happy.
I do find most methods of self-change rather laborious though. Two I have found that have been really, really powerful in my life are “Energetic NLP” (this is different from regular NLP) and the EFT (known as tapping).

Imogen recently posted … The Hidden Benefit of Failure
Hi Imogen,
Lord knows I need some changing! 🙂 That transparent, huh?
Great point about how our internal changes creates a difference in the lenses through which we see the rest of the world. The magic is that our own perception changes can also lead to real changes in others too who are moved and inspired by the changes they see is us or by the love and acceptance they feel from us.
I’ve used NLP (and still use modified elements from it), but need to check into “energetic NLP” and don’t know diddly squat about EFT. But as I think about it, I suppose I have heard something about “tapping” before, though I have no recollection of what it is. You gave me some homework for the weekend! 🙂
To find “Energetic NLP” the obvious domain name works at http://www.EnergeticNLP.com
http://www.Solar-Events.co.uk promotes it online (and some UK events).
As for EFT (tapping)… The Tapping World Summit 2012 starts on 7th May and runs 17th. This is free to attend online.
And you’ll get a great intro. It was the 2010 version of this event that hooked me in….
This links takes to the registration page…. http://bit.ly/IeeLss
EFT is a child of acupuncture. Fortunately it lost the needles in the process!
My blog post is a testimonial to it but doesn’t say much about it.
Imogen recently posted … Cancelled credit card debt… Built up savings… and Got Free
Wow! I LOVE doing your homework! Answers included! 🙂
Thanks so much, Imogen! I’ll definitely be following these links to see what I’ve been missing!
Enjoy yourself. I’m not sure how much eNLP stuff is available right but Art Giser always we are humorous and playful with it.
And the Tapping World Summit is such a brilliant opportunity to get a basic grounding in EFT for free.
Wishing you all the best. See you around.
Imogen recently posted … Cancelled credit card debt… Built up savings… and Got Free
Such an inspiring article! I really like your point on the nature of change, which is the most influental moving power of our world. Revolutions are necessary parts of the evolution, and the good people in strong communities could really change the world. I am sure I would march with them and wouldn’t sit on the sidelines.
Anna recently posted … Have you heard about cosmetic dentistry?
Each one of us is part of a larger whole, even if we don’t feel the connection. We are families and neighborhoods and communities and cultures and citizens and members and acquaintances and brothers and sisters to humanity and (I believe) children of an eternal parent. Anytime any of us move in the direction of change, of altering the reality of pain and disease, moral decay and spiritual apathy, anytime we press against the opposition to freedom and independence and collective inertia, we add strength to the human effort to lift and grow and rise and be that which we were meant to be.
Thank you so much Anna, for your insight and inspiration. Loved your comment!
PS: Every article you write and comment you leave and hand you take in yours to lift to higher ground, you are stepping away from the sidelines and joining the march!
This post is one of those “why didn’t I think of that!” moments. You bring to light that we all influence the people around us. The question arises: Why not lead the example with “courage” and “purpose”, instead of follow without care or thought?
Thanks Ken! I’m posting your four inspirations on my wall so I can be aware of them every day – Strong Character, Courageous Growth, Clarity of Thought, Purposeful Living.
What a great and motivational post!!
Your Mom
Hi Mom!
I like what my friend Dave Ursillo says about leaders. His motto (and book title he authored) is “Lead without Followers.” I think that’s such a powerful thought. In one sense, we are all leaders in that we exemplify to others a particular response to life. We exemplify (and therefore lead others to) proactive engagement with life or shrinking fear of life. But, yes, to choose to lead with courage, character, clarity and growth is a pretty good way to live. 🙂
Mom, here’s what you’ve exemplified to me:
1. Courage: surgery after surgery after surgery, most of which were from accidents while engaged in living boldly (biking, skating, motorcycle riding, etc.), you never set life down to sit in your rocking chair and wait for life to finish.
2. Passion: Painting, graphic design, your children, life.
3. Love: I don’t really have to elaborate on this one. Your compassionate and patient love for us hellions growing up is legendary in the Wert family.
4. Dedication: Just about every injury and re-injury has been because you itched to get back to doing what you loved to do before your body was quite through healing from the previous injury.
5. Right Priorities: There has never been a time I felt like us kids were in the way. Never once did I feel like we were a mistake. Never once did you say or do anything to make us feel anything but cherished.
Thank you for years and years, a lifetime, really, of leading by example. You may not have thought of it before. But you certainly lived it, Mom!
Aloha Ken,
Another great post. I am really glad I found your blog!
The only person we really can change is ourselves and when we change the whole world changes (or at least ours does) So keep on marching!!!
I am grateful to be one of the hundred monkeys enjoying changing.
With a big smile,
Thank you so much, Susan! And Alhoha back at you! I’m glad you found Meant to be Happy too! 🙂
Quick question: Do you live in Hawaii? I ask because I have relatives who live on Molokai. Two of my dad’s sisters married Hawaiians. Love and miss them lots.
Yes, we’re marching arm in arm, Susan!
Hi Ken
My executive coach always says to me, he believes that he is changing the world everyday
what radiant confidence
whenever I start doubting myself, my writing, my blog, my dreams, I say to myself “I am changing the world. the world is waiting to hear my story!”
Noch Noch
Noch Noch | be me. be natural. recently posted … for me the bells toll – taking a break, getting married
Yes you are changing the world, Noch Noch! We all are, even if only one person at a time. As I write, as I think through issues and begin putting my thoughts to paper, I change. Sometimes that change is almost imperceptible. Sometimes it’s more profound. That’s enough to keep doing what I do. But as soon as we have any sized following, we become conduits of change or vehicles by which others are challenged to look within and takes steps to grow. That’s a sacred honor we have. To knowingly or unknowingly reach into another person’s heart or mind or soul and inspire something in them to improve their lives or soothe their broken hearts or ignite courage or to see things from a new perspective or to commit to a higher road is nothing short of the miraculous. I am continually stunned by the periodic emails I get and comments that thank me for influencing them for good. What a thrill and what a privilege and what a responsibility that gives us to be sure that what we write is worthy of being heard and applied.
We are changing the world, Noch Noch. And your message is of particular importance for those who have found themselves in a dark place and are struggling to see light flicker somewhere in that utter darkness.
Call me crazy but I think we ALL have Darth Vader’s Evil Powers!
Look at how one man can rise up and change the world. Look at Adolf Hitler, the amount of power he wielded. That wasn’t real power, it was violence and force. But you look on the flip side (Light side of the Force), Ghandi and Martin Luther King Jr. sparked entire movements.
For some reason we put these people on a pedestal, we think that Ghandi, Martin Luther King and Adolf Hitler were special people, that they’re different from us. But in truth, we are all powerful, we’re just choosing to be mediocre. The only different between us and them, is that they made the conscious decision to be grand. We’re afraid of being powerful, we don’t want to. But recently I made the decision to stand up and change my financial situation.
You are ghandi, you are Martin Luther King, You are Hitler. We are all the same
Mike Park recently posted … The Journey Is Non-Linear
Thanks for the input, Mike.
I believe we certainly are some combination of good and bad impulses, both giving and selfish. I also think that some moral heroes such a Gandhi and Martin Luther King Jr. became the people who fill our history books because of the intersection of moral courage and historical circumstance. But I agree with you that we can all take steps toward developing the kind of principled courage they demonstrated.
But I don’t believe very many of us at all have genocidal tendencies that would propel us into the moral equivalence of a Hitler. But he can certainly stand as a warning against beliefs that place significance in things like race and blood.
I started reading this because of the star wars reference. I would love the power to choke someone from a distance!
Luckily I would be too afraid to use it 🙂 Because I always think the fault is with me, maybe the other person didn’t hear me and I need to speak up, or I didn’t explain my point well enough, or the other person just has a bad day.
Either way, I refuse to get angry and lash out at the other person. I change the world a tiny bit each day by setting an example and be happy around everyone and I hope they follow my example.
Demian Kasier recently posted … Why is Time Management Important
Welcome to M2bH, Demian!
I think the whole plans pretty lucky we don;t have the power to choke people from a distance. Imagine what would happen on freeways and long lines at grocery stores alone! 🙂
I once heard of a religious leader who gave very similar advice. When asked how he dealt with the way people had leveled false accusations against him, he simply said that whenever he hears that someone has spoken ill of him, like you Demian, his first response was to look within and see if there was something he may have said or done to give even the appearance of offense. Then he added that he usually found something he did say that could at least have been perceived as offensive. He then went to that person and apologized for the real or imagined offense.
A powerful way to live, for sure. I think I do pretty well, but only after I’ve choked them from a distance first. 😉
Anger is one of the most disfunctional emotions. It does little to solve problems and lots to axacerbate them and cause harm to ourselves. So kudos to you for your ability to be the example of happiness.
Thanks for the awesome comment and insight!