“The word that is heard perishes, but the letter that is written remains.” ~Proverbs
Today’s post is very different from the posts I’ve published here at Meant to be Happy to this point. I usually write about a topic related to a personal development issue.
But not this time. This is a letter written directly to you, my regular reader, my periodic reader, my newcomer, my tried and true, to all of you.
I want you to know how I feel about you, about who you are to me and what that means to me. I don’t take lightly the time you spend reading what I have to say. I’m moved and touched and honored by it.
And so please indulge me as I share a few thoughts with you about you.
Seven Messages I want to share with you today:
1. I love the person you are
I care about you. I care about who you are. You matter to me both as the founder of Meant to be Happy and as a fellow human being. I love the goodness that is in your heart and the desire you have to learn and grow and become even more and even better than you were yesterday.
I love those of you I’ve gotten to know as we’ve communicated here and by email and those I’m getting to know. And I love those who come and read what I say but haven’t yet left a comment – including those who never will. I love you as a fellow-traveler along the road of life. I love you as someone dedicated – no matter how imperfectly – to living a life of personal growth, of happiness and character.
2. I appreciate you
I’m grateful for your comments and kind words, for your emails and support, your wisdom and challenges and insight and trust. The comments you’ve left. The emails I’ve received. The readership and daily visits. It means more to me than I have words to convey. It humbles me.
I’m filled with appreciation for all you are and all you aspire to be. I appreciate your dedication to things like standards and decency.
How do I know you aspire to live decent lives of high moral standards? I guess I don’t, really. But what I do know is that you care enough about living life well, and living it more joyfully that you come here in search of answers or insight or motivation or little reminders that we’re in this thing called life together, often stumbling in the dark side-by-side.
I write quite a bit about character and the role it plays in our happiness. And yet you continue to come back and read. That says a lot about you as well.
Some people don’t want and won’t even tolerate such challenges to their fragile inner cores. You do. Why? Perhaps because your core is not so fragile. And perhaps because character matters to you. I appreciate that about you.
3. I’m proud of you
I want you to know what you may not have been told before, or told only too infrequently:
I’m proud of you.
I’m proud of you for trying. For placing one foot in front of the other. For waking up every morning and simply giving it your best shot. I’m proud of you for placing a premium on personal growth too.
There are relatively few people who work at living well. Many more people, it seems to me, work much harder at getting than becoming. They work at doing more than being. They strive harder at looking better than being better.
Literally billions of dollars are spent annually trying to appear improved and so much less energy and resources on actually improving.
But not you. Your focus is on the quality of person you are over the image and façade we sometimes pretend to be. I’m proud of you for your desire to improve and grow, to stretch and challenge yourself.
You see, it matters less where you might be today at this moment on the character and happiness continuum than the direction you’re pointed in and the strides you’re taking toward improving.
I’m proud of you for taking those steps. I’m proud of you for being you and working to rise to the best you inside of you.
4. I believe in you
You are an amazing being with amazing God-given capacity. I believe in who you are and who you are working to be. We are all works-in-progress. One of life’s purposes is to improve on the wiring under the hood of our lives. I believe in your ability to stand and courageously be the person you were meant to be.
I’m not perfect. Nowhere near it. I’m a flawed human being. I’m a flawed husband. A flawed father. A flawed neighbor. A flawed blogger. I have weaknesses and character blind spots. We all do. That fact doesn’t define us. What defines us is what we’re doing about it.
You see, the ability to grow and climb and reach and evolve is infinite. You are infinite and eternal. I believe in your ability to rise above and break through and overcome. I believe in your human capacity to survive and change and improve. I believe in your capacity to learn and apply the principles of happiness to live with joy as you develop those qualities that happy people share.
5. You can be whatever you want to be
As a person who can shape and reshape your inner world, I also believe you can become what you most want to become.
It may take sacrifice and hard work and sustained effort over time. Maybe over a long period of it. But I believe there are paths to what you want most in life.
You can become what you wish to become, even if it takes more work than you’ve ever extended to do anything else before in your life.
Of course, sometimes what we want won’t serve us very well. In that case, I also believe we can be inspired to reevaluate what we want and align our desires with our capacities and what’s in our long-term best interest.
But in the end, it is who we are that matters, not how much we’ve been able to stuff in our closets and stack on our shelves and pad our accounts with.
6. You are important to me
I cherish the relationship we’ve established. I don’t take it lightly or for granted. You have lent me something precious and special. You have lent me your time and your interest. I thank you for that.
I care about your life and your happiness. I wouldn’t do what I do if I didn’t. I care about you as a person. We are spiritual siblings, you and I. I know this to be true. And it means a lot to me.
As such, I want the best for you. While I guarantee I’ll fall short of my goal simply because I’m a flawed human being, I will nonetheless strive to always provide you with something of value here, something that helps, that points, that inspires.
That, at least, is my aim. Please feel free to hold me to it and call me out if I slip too many times.
7. You are beautiful
Have you ever been told how beautiful you are? You are a beautiful person because you strive to create beauty in your life by the way you work at living it and in your heart by the way you choose to open it and share it. The external is the shell to the person. You, the person, are already beautiful. And I bask in that beauty.
Final thoughts to my readers
The first month of the new year is at an end. And as it folds into the next, I’ve felt inspired to write this note to you, to let you know how much you are appreciated, loved, accepted and cherished.
I wish you God’s greatest blessings. Sometimes that comes in the form of a challenge to get us to take the next step we need to take in life. Sometimes it is something more obviously amazing and beautiful.
But in whichever form your blessings come this year, know they come with my belief that you were meant to be happy.
You were meant to be amazing.
You were meant to live a life of challenge and growth, of courage and decency, of kindness and compassion, of love and strength and service and joy.
May that be the road you travel this year and all your life.
And you just might bump into me along the way; I’m doing my best to travel that road with you!
Thank you for the companionship.
If you have found value here, please subscribe.
Photo courtesy of Pixabay
Your authentic appreciation and gratitude is thing of beauty and a joy to read, Ken. It’s a powerful thing to set up a habit of thankfulness. Creating a ‘thankfulness ritual’ makes gratitude for these recognitions to reign supreme in our consciousness. So, thank you Ken! With appreciation for one another we are setting up a receptive state of mind to receive the bountiful good that is coming our way (all of your readers).![My Profile]()
rob white recently posted … The Ultimate Understanding
Thank you, Rob. That means a lot to me, especially coming from someone I so admire. One of a wildly amazing things about life is that we’re not stuck with the traits and flaws we were born or raised with. Character traits such as gratitude, compassion, dedication, forgiveness, courage, are learnable traits. I remember conscientiously working on gratitude when I was a bit younger. But now it is a spontaneous and authentic expression. So I spontaneously and authentically thank you for all you do and the warm spirit you exude and spread all over the blogosphere and right into peoples hearts — mine included!
That brought tears to my eyes and lump in my throat. How I long for somebody to say that to me. I just felt important. Some those words i wish I could hear from my parents, siblings, husband, and even my children. I hit every spot for me. I feel better and thank you. Even though I don’t know you, i feel like you care about me. I wish to one day meet you.
Ken, thank you for this letter – it’s a testament to who you are and what you stand for here. Interestingly, I found myself shying away from this post initially, because it made vulnerable in realizing how much I (we) need to hear these truths spoken over our lives. So, thank you!
![My Profile]()
Caroline McGraw / A Wish Come Clear recently posted … The Delivery That Changed My Life (And The Book That Could Change Yours)
Caroline, I’m so glad you decided to come back and give it a read, even if for no other reason than that I got to read such kind words. Thank you so much. And I agree we need to hear such things, most importantly when we were young as that foundation of self-worth was being laid, but even today as adults it can be such a breathe of emotional fresh air. Thank you for sharing that with me.
Ken,![My Profile]()
What a beautiful letter to your readers! Your gratitude and appreciation of your readers is what makes you so special and beloved. I’m glad to be among the group!
Angela Artemis/Poweredbyintuition recently posted … Developing Intuition, Identifying Intuition and Getting Unstuck too!
Aw! Thanks Angela! I actually hesitated before publishing because I wondered if it was going to come across as too sappy. But in the end I decided to let it fly. It is, after all, what I think and feel. And if I’ve learned anything from you, it’s to trust your intuitive instincts!
Aaw, now I’m blushing!![My Profile]()
Angela Artemis/Poweredbyintuition recently posted … Developing Intuition, Identifying Intuition and Getting Unstuck too!
Hi Ken,
What a wonderful letter!! That is touching that you have taken the time to thank and show your appreciation to your readers. I’m fairly new to your blog, but happy to part of this group, and look forward to reading more.![My Profile]()
Cathy | Treatment Talk recently posted … Let Go of Your Bad Habits and Find Your Passion
Thanks Cathy! So kind of you! It certainly is a letter from my heart. I was working on a different post idea when I had this sudden thought that I wanted to tell those who wander over here from time to time just what I thought of them and to thank them. So much of humanity never hear those things and I just wanted them to hear it from me. So thank you too! It really does mean a lot to me.
Oh Ken,
I feel all warm and fuzzy now. Thank you!!!
This is just beautiful! It’s like you came to my house and hugged me.
Huge hugs!
Melody![My Profile]()
Melody | Deliberate Receiving recently posted … Negative Emotions: Envy Vs. Jealousy
Haha! You’re just too sweet, Melody! You’re welcome! And feel free to consider it my official verbal hug, then! Have a warm, fuzzy, hugable week, Melody!
This was such a beautiful letter Ken! I appreciate you and your words that inspire.![My Profile]()
Wendy Irene recently posted … 3 Simple Family Bonding Ideas
That means so much to me, Wendy. Thank you. Sorry I haven’t been around much of anywhere lately. So little commenting as I’m trying to organize my new ebook (thank you!!!), guest post at a few locations, create my ongoing newsletter and keep up with a few projects with some other bloggers I’ve connected with. Whew! All so crazy these days trying to juggle that with work and family. But no complaints! I love it all — just could use an extra couple hours in the day!
Thank you for everything! You were one of the very first people to leave a comment on my fledgling blog back some 7 or so months ago! That too means a lot to me.
Hi Ken,
Hugs back to you. I appreciate your warm and sincere letter. You touch me with your warmth, sincerity and inspiring role model week in and week out.
blessings, Brad![My Profile]()
Brad recently posted … Savor the Day- a Tribute to the Artist’s Way
I so appreciate that, Brad. You strike me as a good man, my friend. I’m privileged to know you here in cyberland! And I mean that sincerely.
Blessing back to you, Brad. Be good!
Honored and grateful:)![My Profile]()
Kaarina Dillabough recently posted … Guest Posting today
Thank you.
you have got a wonderful, adorable and peaceful smiles that have touched my heart after reading this. please can i be a friend to you ?
Thankyou Ken,![My Profile]()
May this year be Big for both of us.
be good to yourself
David Stevens recently posted … How to get the best value out of your Mid Life & make it work for you
Cheers to that, David!
Thank you so much for this heartfelt message. WoW! You’re GREAT!![My Profile]()
M. Tohami recently posted … Milk The Pigeon: Special Interview About Finding Your Purpose In Life
My pleasure! But I think it’s you and all those who peek in to see what I’m doing here who are the great ones. It just means so much to me. And I thank you for that.
What an excellent encouraging and meaningful article Ken. I have found that commendation, appreciation, and confidence are some of the most powerful feelings that we can share with others, and you covered all three beautifully. The more we focus or attention in a positive direction, especially when it comes to other people, the more we help raise the level of those relationships. It’s virtually impossible to overemphasize the life changing value of an attitude of gratitude. You rock my friend!![My Profile]()
Jonathan – Advanced Life Skills recently posted … How to Turn Hindsight Into Insight
Jonathan, what can I say but that you’re awesome! I love your comment! I reread it a couple times already and just might go back and read it again!
As a high school teacher, I’ve seen the effect of gratitude and positive energy and simply caring what other people think and are concerned about over and over again. People are starving for that kind of recognition. It changes them in perceptible ways.
Thank you for the encouragement, your brilliant wisdom and all you do at Advanced Life Skills and wherever you share your thoughts.
Love this letter Ken:) Thanks for the kind words and motivation. It’s always so great to hear.![My Profile]()
Sibyl recently posted … A Simple Way to Instantly Improve Your Mood and Feel Great
Thank you, Sibyl!
We all thrive better on others’ expressions of kindness and appreciation. It just plain feels good. But it also feels good to express it. Contrived expressions to make favor or get something from the person being buttered up ring hallow. But hopefully everyone who reads my letter can feel its sincerity. I really am honored to be lent others’ valuable time who drop by to read something I’ve posted.
And I appreciate your kind words here too.
HI!….sometimes in LIFE from SOMEWHERE comes A BEAUTIFUL BREEZE that caresses your SOUL N ‘BEING’ and you FEEL RE-ENERGIZED and RE-CHARGED….it seems as if the UNIVERSE is sending you a PERSONAL MESSAGE and understands your trials and tribulations like no other…it is like a WHISPER urging you to CARRY ON through this JOURNEY OF LIFE keeping THE FAITH intact that THIS is what LIFE is about…..it ain’t a straight road but one with twists n turns…your letter of APPRECIATION,MOTIVATION and ENCOURAGEMENT is like THAT GENTLE BREEZE…..just came across this blog on FB shared by tess marshal n felt DRAWN to click on it and AM GLAD that i did….THIS LETTER SPEAKS VOLUMES of the WRITER….by the way i have never read any of your write-ups before….now i shall DEFINITELY look FORWARD to reading them as i KNOW they shall NOURISH my soul…………..THANK YOU LOADS……..rita singh…””
You absolutely made my day, Rita!
Everything you wrote deeply touched my heart. Thank you so much. But now the pressure is on — I’m going to have to keep producing quality work!
Tess is a powerhouse of a person, doing great stuff at her site. Now there’s two reasons to appreciate her. I’m so thankful you took a moment and clicked over from her FB post. It’s a treat meeting you.
I know what you mean about life sending messages. I think that’s happening all the time. It’s in the moments we’re ready to hear the message being sent that we recognize it as such.
I hope to be that gentle breeze again as we travel the twisting road of life together!
You are a truly beautiful person in so many ways! I’m so grateful to have connected with you on our journeys. I hope our paths continue to cross.
Namaste![My Profile]()
Paige | simple mindfulness recently posted … How to Deal Effectively With Difficult People (and Some Other Secrets)
Aw, that is so sweet, Paige! I do what I can and keep working at improving on the rough design!
I hope our paths continue to cross too, Paige. You have such an open, warm and inviting spirit about you. It’s been wonderful getting to know you better.
Thanks for such a beautiful letter Ken,
This shows the level of attachment you have with your readers. That’s wonderful.
Keep inspiring us with your awesome writing.
I was glad to write it, Naveen. It came from the heart. And yes, it’s true, I don’t take those who read my work for granted. I feel an obligation to them, to produce work worthy of their precious time. (and to feature work by guest bloggers who produce great work too — Thanks for yours, Naveen!)
And thank you for the kind words about my writing. It is a passion of mine. I guess it has been for most of my life, only more recently has it become something I do daily. It just feels good to do something your passionate about on a daily basis. Every day becomes more passionate!
Be good, my friend!
Hi Ken,
What an amazing and beautiful letter to us! Thank you for all your love towards us. What you wrote was so heartfelt. You know after reading your letter, I have a much clearer picture of the true meaning of the words and the name of your site: ‘Meant to be Happy’.
Indeed, everyone of us are meant to be happy. May God bless you my friend, and may God bless us all.
Thanks Hiten! I meant every word of it. I’m glad I finally clarified the message behind what I do here. And it only took me 8 months to do it!
Yep, I believe that with every fiber of my soul, that we were indeed meant to be happy. There is a design for us here and part of that design is for us to learn and grow and also to discover and uncover and develop happiness along the way.
You might even say that happiness is a sort of barometer, measuring how well we’re doing this thing called life.
Thanks for all your support, my friend.
Be good and God bless you too!
hello ken
how are you?
thanks for all your support despite my brief or should i say long absence laugh!!(things are gradually getting under control)
this was a heartfelt letter and i could sense your care and genuine concern for us – your readers.
thanks for your reminders as well as your sound words of encouragement. it would certainly do us good.
i truly appreciate you and everything you do.
take care and enjoy the rest of the day.![My Profile]()
ayo recently posted … The Twenty-Fourth Edition Of The Life Skills Magazine Is Out Now!!
Thank you Ayo! Support was easy; you’re an awesome dude! The absence was harder — you’re always missed. Glad things are starting to fall into place (or at least are more under control).
Your kind thoughts and words mean a lot to me, my friend.
God Bless!
Wow, what a phenomenal welcome to your site! I don’t even know you and that gave me goosebumps.
I found you through Steven Aitchison’s blog…Definitely looking forward to reading more of your content. Thanks for such an uplifting post.
Welcome, Kaylee!
And thank you so much for stopping by and leaving that awesome comment; it made my day! It certainly was a heart-felt letter to my readers. I’m thrilled you found value in it. I know what you mean by the goosebumps too. I have to admit to having had a wave or two of them myself while I was writing it. Lol!
Have an amazing day, Kaylee. It’s wonderful “meeting” you.
And I look forward to seeing you peek in from time to time!
Thanks, simply, Thanks
![My Profile]()
I love you the person you are and appreciate you too. lots
Noch Noch
Noch Noch | be me. be natural. recently posted … today I laughed: how is business done in China?
That really means a lot to me, my dear friend. Thank you back!
Just want to say you are wonderful and much appreciated too for your doses of beautiful thoughts.
Thank you, Lilian. That truly mean a lot to me.
Hi, thanks so much for sharing a very meaningful post. As one of your readers, i appreciate the beautiful message of your article.
Thank you Ken for this inspiring letter. I too am thankful for you, the posts that you have shared and the ideas that have come about it.![My Profile]()
Sherill recently posted … The Future of Online Health Coaching Jobs
Am so inspired n really appreciate ua read.Would love to receive your e-books n read.
[…] often think they are weak for feeling this way. They may believe they have a character flaw. Reassure your friend or loved one that you can understand why they might be thinking these types of […]
Awwwwwww. This is lovely and amazing.
It really helps a lot. Thanks so much!
Thank you. I’m thrilled it helps. I truly feel it, even though other projects have pulled me away from Meant to be Happy. I’m still touched by the idea of people stopping by to read what I poured my heart and mind into.
You can gain from the success of other people and you can learn from their mistakes.
Hi! Thank you for this! It really helps a lot!
This post was truly worthwhile to read. I wanted to say thank you for the key points you have pointed out as they are enlightening.
Even during the toughest times of your life, there is still a myriad of reasons for you to be grateful. Gratitude is a way for one to have contentment in life— appreciating the little things that nurture your life. You can experience many difficult times in your life. However, if you notice, you get past it, which gives you more reasons to make the most out of it. Counting your blessings is really important if you want to experience the real meaning of happiness. Hope this will help also. Thank you.
What an amazing and beautiful letter to us! Thank you for all your love towards us. What you wrote was so heartfelt. You know after reading your letter, I have a much clearer picture of the true meaning of the words and the name of your site: ‘Meant to be Happy’.https://imeditationclub.com/