“Passion is a positive obsession. Obsession is a negative passion.” ~ Paul Carvel
NOTE: Check out the companion post to this one called 7 Obessions Guaranteed to Improve your Life guest posted at Pick the Brain. Then come back and finish reading here for a total of 13 obsessions!
Obsession is a lot like holding a flame in your hand. It is powerful and can produce the heat of passion and power and drive. But it can also consume and destroy. The trick is to keep the flame burning without succumbing to the temptation to aim the heat too exclusively at a single target.
6 Recommended Obsessions for a Better Life
1. Be Obsessed with your Family
Those who obsess over their families are those who uncontrollably and unconditionally love them. They spend lots of time together, play together, laugh together and bond with each other.
They also develop strange little practices like regular date nights and family nights. They prioritize family time high on their to-do lists. They care about how they’re doing as dads and moms and husbands and wives and make regular adjustments to improve.
But Beware the Counterfeit
Jealousy is not love or devotion. It is a fraudulent emotional replica of love. It is insecurity, plain and simple. It’s an emotional infection that can spread and corrupt the organism of relationship, marriage and family.
Root it out, cure it, disinfect the emotional wound before it destroys the real love that still exists. Obsession with family really has no relationship to jealousy. Jealousy is self-obsession, a form of self-absorption, a selfishness that lashes out when threatened. The family suffers at the hand of that emotional disease.
2. Be Obsessed with your Values
Do you have a clear set of values? Do you live your life by them? Do they influence your choices as a reflection of how you choose to live? Or are they things that sit on a shelf you pick up and put down at will?
Those who are obsessed with their values are willing to sacrifice much to maintain them –this sometimes includes their “lives, fortunes and sacred honor.” They yearn to live by their values and exercise integrity to them.
They are very clear about what matters most to them and can articulate their values very clearly when asked to. They seldom, if ever, compromise on their moral standards and hold them as near and dear to their hearts. An obsession with your values is a way to live more perfectly by them.
But Beware the Counterfeit
It is wonderful to passionately advocate a set of beliefs. I do that here. But never allow yourself to even dream of imposing them on others. If your values have led you to degrade or belittle or hurt or threaten others for holding a different set than yours, you have devalued the quality of what you believe. Pull back far away from that ledge!
3. Be Obsessed with your Health
A peek in your refrigerator or behind the doors of your pantry will tell a pretty accurate story of your obsession (or a lack thereof) with health. Those obsessed with improving their health reflect that obsession in the food they choose to bring into their homes.
For those obsessed with health, flavor ceases to be the primary goal when creating a meal. They care deeply about the long-term impact of what they put in their mouths and make a part of their cellular structure.
They believe in the literalness of the truism that we are, in fact, what we eat. They make exercise an integral part of their life experience as well. As a matter of fact, they have a comprehensive approach to living healthy.
They care how they feel and how they live and how long they’ll be around to pursue their life’s work. Quality and longevity of life are important to them.
At its highest form, an obsession with health is an altruistic obsession. It cares more for loved ones and their happiness than any particular flavor you put in your mouth or a preference for sitting around the house with a bag of potato chips in hand.
But Beware the Counterfeit
An obsession with appearance or weight or body fat or build is an unhealthy obsession and should be avoided at all costs. I am advocating a mild obsession with HEALTH. And anorexia and bulimia are certainly NOT healthy.
A preoccupation with the mirror or the scale is not what I’m talking about either. Nose jobs and other cosmetic surgical procedures are largely the result of a devotion to the wrong kind of obsession.
4. Be Obsessed with Learning
Don’t let a day go by that you don’t learn something new. Be obsessed with developing your intellect and ability to use your God-given mind closer to its full potential.
Some people claim they’re just not readers. But that is such a cop-out. The world’s great ideas are not floating through the atmosphere waiting to be plucked out of the sky. They are recorded in books, waiting to be absorbed into fertile minds. And ideas matter. They alter courses and change civilizations.
So read and study, whether or not you like reading or studying. Stimulate your mind and creativity, challenge yourself, tackle difficult subjects, build your vocabulary, your ability to communicate the growing knowledge you obsessively acquire.
Develop a passion for knowing, for discovering. Yearn to learn and understand. Create a passionate love affair with the words “why” and “how” and “why not?” and “what if.” Turn off the reality shows and watch the Learning channel or something equivalent to it. Feed the hunger of your mind. Listen to books on tape, listen to talk programs in the car.
Those obsessed with learning are passionate about learning from their own mistakes and from others mistakes as well. They welcome challenges as a way to discover new insight and meaning about themselves or life or humanity.
But Beware the Counterfeit
It is important to employ wisdom in your pursuit of knowledge. To pursue knowledge and its application without the moderating voice of wisdom is to walk blindly through a minefield. Eventually someone is going to get blown up!
5. Be Obsessed with Making a Difference
Do you yearn to leave an impact on world (or your community)? Do you ache to leave the world a better place than when you found it? Do you look for ways to add meaning and value to people’s lives, to reach out and touch someone, to lift the downtrodden? If so, you may be suffering from this obsession. My recommendation? Give in to it!
Those obsessed with making a difference are not satisfied in a cubicle. They can’t add numbers in columns for hours on end or shuffle papers or attend mindless meeting after mindless meeting.
They may do those things as part of a larger mission, but they can’t simply bring home a paycheck without something deeply moving about the work they do, the difference they make.
They have to touch lives, inspire something more in those who are living under their potentials. They almost instinctively lift and build and encourage and motivate and teach and elevate and reach and comfort and love others.
Their hearts beat differently than most. They thump to the tune of other hearts. They dream of being able to reach more people, impact more people and inspire change and growth in more people. Is this your obsession?
But Beware the Counterfeit
There are, however, some who care only for others. They are the martyrs and victims, the ones who wonder why no one cares for them like they care for others. They pity themselves for always serving and never being served.
And so they resent the service they give even while giving it. And they miss the point of service altogether, receiving few, if any, of its benefits.
6. Be Obsessed with Balance
Obsessions are intense things. They are focused like a laser beam on the object of the obsession.
As such, they can easily take control and throw our lives out of whack. But with an underlying obsession with balance, other obsessions don’t overtake the rest of life. There is equanimity, a sort of life equilibrium.
Obsessive compulsions are moderated so that an obsession to ones work is prevented from pushing family and friends to the back of life’s bus.
An obsession with balance can tame success in any given area of life, it’s true. But it is the only way to achieve the highest kind of success … the success of a life lived well.
But Beware the Counterfeit
The only counterfeit to balance is thinking all things must be perfectly balanced at all times. When you’re working on your Masters Thesis, you will be off balance for a time. You should be or you’ll do a sub par job or never even finish it.
When a project is due, it’s okay to come home late from work every day for a week or two. On family vacation, you will neglect your work and indulge your family.
But never use the need for balance as the excuse for never working hard enough in an area of life to ever become particularly good at anything.
Successful living is living with passion. It is being obsessed with living the right kind of life in the right way. It is an obsession with making the most out of the life you were given.
An obsession with life is an obsession with living it to its fullest, loving it even for all its dirty messiness.
What obsessions do you have that have served you? What obsessions will you develop for 2012?
Please share in the comments below.
Don’t forget to Share and Tweet this post if you found value here. And after you’re done sharing and commenting, head on over to Pick the Brain to read the companion piece to 6 Obsessions by clicking here: 7 Obsessions Guaranteed to Improve your Life
Now go and get obsessed with living!
Photo courtesy of Pixabay
I really enjoyed what your wrote about balance – that it is OK to be off balance for a time, when you are working on something special or when you are on vacation, if the overall big picture is balanced.![My Profile]()
This year I plan to be obsessed with art. It is something I love, and my kids love it too. Can’t wait to do more painting and creating.
I hope you and your family have a very Happy New Year! Many blessings in 2012!
Wendy Irene recently posted … Happy New Year: Farewell & Many Thanks 2011!
Thanks Wendy!
I’m glad you enjoyed what I wrote about balance. It’s just not realistic to think life will always be perfectly divided among all the roles we play. The balance we need to strive for is a more general balance than any particular state of balance in the very short term. As a matter of fact, on a day-to-day basis, it seems to me that we’ll rarely be balanced. It is only across those days that we should strive for something more resembling a balanced life.
Thanks for the comment, Wendy!
I like that you make the distinction between the helpful and unhelpful stuff. I think for me the balance comes more from a sense of elated calmness or quiet joy rather than from concern with balance.
Hi Evan,
You have such a fascinating take on balance. I’m totally intrigued, but have a question or two, if you don’t mind. And I’m truly the pupil here. As I think about your comment, I wonder how having a quiet sense of joy or elated calmness necessarily leads to spending enough time with a business to build it, enough time with family to keep the relationships rich and rewarding, enough time working out to keep the blood pressure and cholesterol and other issues in check without paying some attention to balancing those things in some way.
Eagerly (and sincerely) waiting to learn …
Hi Ken, it probably doesn’t work as well for the physical stuff. I tend to have to find other dimensions to help me with the physical – qi gong (spirituality) and going for walks with my partner (relationships) to be interested in exercise for instance. For me the joy is connected with working on what I want to do rather than running to other’s agenda’s. So this approach can work for stuff we want to do like building a business and spending time with family and friends definitely contributes to the sense of joy for me. Hope this makes sense.![My Profile]()
Evan recently posted … A Magazine and a Request and a Mistake
I like that, Evan. And good point about staying off of other people’s agendas. Sounds like what gives you joy is already, of itself, pretty well-rounded. Thank you for the clarification. I really appreciate it!
Wish you an amazing New Year, Evan!
Wow! I love this article. I love the way you use the idea of ‘obsession’ as a good thing, in balance. I love the way you describe the ‘counterfeit’, clearly a bad thing. Your use of words is wonderful. I particularly liked your reminder of not forcing our values on others. That is a good reminder for me today.![My Profile]()
Thanks, and happy new year!
Wendy Love recently posted … New Year’s Resolution
Thank you so much, Wendy!
I loved reading your comment so much, I read it twice!
If you look at those who have such a passion for life that they live it with total commitment to excellence, to utter joy and decency, there is a palpable obsession with life that can be seen in their eyes and heard in the tone of their voices when they talk about those obsessions. You can also see it in how they live. But there are risks to obsessing over anything in life. And those risks needed to be pointed out as well. As for forcing our values on others, we live in an era of forced values and oppressed peoples. It just seemed important to say.
Thanks again for your wonderful comment, Wendy. I think I’ll go read it once more!
I hope your 2012 is all you hope it will be!
Hi, Ken,
Happy New Year 2012! Thanks for sharing such a wonderfully inspired post.
I’ve been obsessed with connecting…to people, not WiFi or the internet. :~)
You can never go wrong giving the gift of your time and attention to someone else. It’s an investment that will always bring you the greatest returns.
Connie![My Profile]()
Connie recently posted … How to Help Yourself by Helping Others
Hi Connie! Thank you for your kind words.
And Happy New Year to you too!
It’s so easy to get so caught up in reaching a goal that we start to see people as obstacles to our achievement. But that’s getting life turned all upside down and inside out. People — reaching them, touching them deeply, influencing others to live more fully, crying with those who mourn, loving them, befriending them, laughing with them — that’s what lends life the deepest kind of meaning.
Thank you so much for sharing that thought here, Connie. There’s no other investment more valuable, to be sure!
Have an amazing New Year filled with everything that will lead you to greater happiness!
Hi Ken,
This morning I was thinking about what you mention exactly in this article, about being marvelously obssessed with family, having excellent health, giving, caring, sharing, success, and money. When we become marvelously obsessed, we begin to attract more success into our lives. Happy New Year my friend and I wish you more success in the coming year
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Dia recently posted … How to create a new habit in life
I love the way you worded that, Dia!
“Marvelously obsessed.” I wish I would have thought of that phrase!
As truly clinically obsessed people lose themselves in their obsession, doing the thing compulsively over and over and over again, so we can have a much more controlled and balanced form of that same basic compulsion. Except instead of being lost in the obsession, we can choose our obsessions as a reflection of our inner drives and ambitions, values and character.
Dia, you are an inspiration to me and so many others. And I wish you the best in the New Year!
“some people claim they’re just not readers. But that is such a cop-out. The world’s great ideas are not floating through the atmosphere waiting to be plucked out of the sky. They are recorded in books, waiting to be absorbed into fertile minds. And ideas matter. They alter courses and change civilizations.”
This moved me on a level that I cant begin to describe, I live in a community with very little concern to read, its a subject I’m deeply passionate about (obsessed with ;)) and I wish to inspire more people to take on reading
Thank you for this amazing post!
sending lots of love and light your way
Thank you so much for sharing that with me, Deena! It means a lot to me that I was able to strike a chord with you in that way.
There is a world of ideas expressed in a world of different ways, aren’t there? It’s just so exciting to pick up a new book and get lost in the ideas and thoughts and arguments being made.
I tend to mark my books up. I take notes in the margins and underline poignant thoughts and sometimes even argue with the author out loud as I read!
Each book I choose to read is chosen at the expense of other choices. I know I’ll only be able to read a tiny fraction of the books that are being written right now, and even a smaller fraction of the books that have ever been written. So I carefully consider which books to read. It’s no frivolous choice for me.
While I love the way a good writer can weave ideas into a great piece of fiction, for me personally, I want right at the information. So almost everything I read is nonfiction: history, biography, economics, psychology, personal development, sociology, philosophy, religion, business and management. These are the topics that tend to fill my bookshelves.
What do you read? Any recommendations? I’m always looking for the next great read containing new ideas expressed in dynamic ways that inspire and move me, or that simply instruct, teaching me what I didn’t fully know before.
Well, Deena, I think you’ve inspired me to expand on what I wrote about reading and learning in a future post. So thank you for that. I guess we’re even now — an inspiration for an inspiration!
And thank you again for your kind words you shared with me.
I hope your New Year is filled with inspiration, discovery and exploration as you infuse your obsession with reading into whatever atmosphere you find yourself in wherever you happen to be!
I know exactly what you mean by knowing that what you choose is eliminating other options! I’m more interested in fiction and my two all time favorites are John Steinbeck’s East of Eden and Ayn Rand’s Atlas shrugged!
To me there is no superior way to fiction in dissecting the human psyche and helping me get lost into someone else’s view of this world we live in! I find the characters that move me living with me even after I finish a book and immersing me in understanding and compassion that I would not have gained otherwise.
I will be waiting for that post you mentioned about reading and for some of your favorite books too!
Hope this year brings you all that you wish for!
Thanks Deena!
I love fiction too … just don’t read much of it. But Atlas Shrugged was an excellent book, even if I take issue with some parts of the underlying philosophy. It was one of the few works of fiction I’ve read in the last decade or so. But I love that your favorites are books that convey important ideas.
I suppose I read biographies for the same reason you read fiction (at least in part). I love learning about their lives. They become mentors to me.
As for the post, I’ve already started thinking about it. There are a few other partially completed posts and a guest post in line, but hopefully I’ll be able to get it posted here soonish!
so true Ken
obsession results in motivation which in turn results in big achievements
thank you for the post and happy new year :))
Thanks Farouk! Happy New Year to you too! I trust it will be another amazing year for you as you continue to grow your amazing body of work.
So true! Obsession, motivation, passion, drive, dedication, commitment, hunger. Those who succeed at the highest levels use such words to describe what they do. They love what they do and it shows in their dedication to doing it.
Thanks for the comment, Farouk. Good to see you again!
Wonderfully empowering article Ken. I love how you use obsessions in a positive context and as a reminder to throw ourselves into the things that truly matter.
Happy New Year!
Thank you, Alex! It was actually a fun article to write. Once I laid out the specific obsessions I would write about, it all just sort of tumbled out onto the page.
I think those whose lives tend to be mostly flat, going nowhere, tend to be obsessed with the wrong things: with their favorite TV show, celebrities, Facebooking and Youtubing with no particular goal in mind. And they wonder why life doesn’t reward them with more — more success, more income, more passion, more joy.
So it is important to me to hopefully touch someone who wanders onto my site and reads through the post to start a love affair with something that truly matters, that will change their lives and inspire another level of greatness in them.
So yes, I like the way you worded that: “to throw ourselves into the things that truly matter.”
Thanks for the comment, Alex. And have a richly rewarding New Year!
Excellent article, Ken! I shared you on fb. I too, like the fact that you mention the unhelpful part as well. The quote is great!
Happy New Year Ken. M2bH is a wonderful blog, thank you. All the very best in 2012!![My Profile]()
Marianne recently posted … New Year Blessings to All The People I Know and Will Meet in 2012!
Hi Marianne!
Thank you so much for dropping by! I’ve missed that smiling face of yours!
And thank you for the Share .. and the comment too, of course. It seems to me that just about everything that is good can be taken to an extreme or applied in a way so as to make it no longer all that good, and sometimes downright horrible. So sometimes I’m almost obsessed
with tackling the “other side” of the coin too.
I sincerely hope the New Year will shine brightly on you, Marianne. There’s just so much that life has to teach us. And sometimes the sustained lesson gets a bit tiring, doesn’t it? Here’s to a year of stamina, persistence and discovery, and many, many little joys that add up to a whole lot of happiness!
Thank you so very much, Ken. Your comment brought tears of gratitude to my eyes. I look forward to the unfolding journey for all of us, my friend.![My Profile]()
Marianne recently posted … New Year Blessings to All The People I Know and Will Meet in 2012!
Me too, Marianne. Life is an adventure. Let’s be adventurous!
What a wonderful post to read on New Year’s Day! What an interesting concept — good obsessions! I love that — it got my attention right away. And the contrast with conterfeits was so helpful. This is what it is…this is what it isn’t. So clear. I’m going to print this out and put it on my wall until the obsessions are firmly in place.
I have so enjoyed your blog and I’m looking forward to another year full of wisdom and insight from you! Happy New Year!![My Profile]()
Galen Pearl recently posted … Word of the Year 2012
Hi Galen!
Thank you so much for your comments! I’m so glad you found something interesting in the article. I’m touched you would print it out, too.
As for another year of posts here at Meant to be Happy, I’m in this thing for the long haul, so I’ll be here.
Thank you so much for all the support and kindness and encouragement I’ve gotten from you since your first visit to now. You have helped produce the passion I feel for what I do here.
Have an amazing New Year, Galen. It’s a wonderful thing to meet a person and get to that place where you consider them a friend. Thank you for your kindness, my friend.
Happy New Year!!
My goodness Ken … I loooove the way you deliver your messages … 1, 2 and 5 being my total favorites, but heck each of these obsessions are faboo! You add to your gift with your counterfeit remarks and right you are – the bitter and the sweet; it the total awareness factor here and that’s so vital.
How perfect when you say, “Successful living is living with passion. …” Passion is my all-time, all-time favorite word (outside my daughter’s name ;)) and a life without passion is like a slow, painful death and to me … unimaginable.
I’d have to say my obsession for this year (in addition to your enlightening list!) is to “be obsessed with caring for our small business customers.” My business has turned into sort of a mini-crusade of educating small businesses about the truth and the untruths in our industry; simply being advocates for them. I couldn’t run a business unless it had a purpose and indeed we started with one particular purpose that has now taken on a few more.
I feel deeply for small businesses and many a night I’ve fallen asleep wrestling with how we can help make their business better in some way. It may not our job to do that; however, it becomes an “obsession” to really help them and they feel that from us and it builds strong trust and a strong bond. I love our customers and I think we’re all in this together, so let’s help one another … let’s be obsessed together! The counterfeit here … you do open yourself up to be taken advantage of on more than one level; however, it’s about keeping a pulse and knowing when lines are being crossed.
This was great post Ken and I’m glad you got me wheels turning in that head of mine … you make me smile!
You know, I think everyone needs a Ken Wert in their life … I’m sure glad you’re in mine and you, my friend, are a person I’d like to share with others because they are missing out otherwise! My utmost respect to you and what you give out to the world – THANK YOU!
Abundant happiness & kindness to you,
Elena![My Profile]()
Elena Patrice recently posted … The Sunshine Award
Hello, my dear friend!
What a wonderful comment (as always)! Thank you for so much love!
I have to say that I almost want to go out and start a small business just so I could work with you! So much love and kindness and compassion and passion! I am so impressed with your philosophy of life and doing business and cooperation and community.
I also love your favorite word: Passion. There is just so much in life to get passionate about! I have a little bit of a different take on passion than it seems most who blog on the topic do. I’ve read lots about the topic where people talk about getting out of a life-sucking job and find something you’re passionate about. And I’m not so much in any disagreement whatsoever about that. It’s just that I don;t think it’s always necessary to find passion. Even in a job that we don;t like necessarily,we can find passion and even create it. We can discover some aspect of the work we can get passionate about. Or we can get passionate about becoming the best or serving the customer like no other. I think passion doesn’t have to be tied to what you do. It can be reflected in what you do because of who you are or how you choose to approach life.
And you, Elena, are certainly one who is filled with passion. It shows in everything I’ve ever seen from you!
Thank you for being a source of passionate joy on the internet. Yo make a difference, to be sure!
Obsession – you cant beat it…!
Yea in life you got be so hungry to attain your goals,
What you have outlined in your post is Total commitment to growth…
The essence of life is growth.. thanks for embodying this..
Jack![My Profile]()
jack foley recently posted … Diversification-So-Important-In-Investing
Hi Jack!
I like that term: “Hungry.” Those who hunger and thirst for what they want, who have a single eye for their goals, are so much more likely to achieve them. We just need to be sure our eyes are not so singly focused on our goals that we lose sight of the bigger picture of character and relationships.
“The essence of life is growth.” What a great phrase, Jack! May you have a New Year filled with tons of it!
Hi Ken,
Just another interesting challenge for the new year!
Happy New Year! I’ve been away during the holidays so I missed inspiring posts like this one! I wanted to come by and wish you all the best in 2012 and I’m glad I did. What an interesting quote by Paul Carvel! You’ve unwrapped the concept so well and laid it all out for us. Many here in the comments focused on balance and that’s the tricky part when you feel passionate about something, isn’t it?
I think the obsession with learning is the trickiest one, though. I’ve got some material I intend to study this year, but slotting time for them will be difficult as it feels as if you’re not “doing” anything with you’re studying
I hope 2012 is everything you imagine it can be and more Ken!
Happy New Year to you, Lori!!!
Hope the first few days of it are treating you wonderfully! Thank you so much for the kindness, and yes, you’re right. Actually balancing our passions is so difficult. I’m sort of a workoholic by nature and can find myself very easily off balance (and have many times throughout my life). But there is often a very steep price (often in health or relationships) to pay when we go too far astray for too long. My wife has been good at reminding me of my highest priorities when I’ve gotten too tunnel visioned.
And it’s hard to pull away from all there is to do to read/study/research/learn as well. I can definitely relate. But the old sharpen-the-saw principle is so true. The sharper the intellectual/informational blade we’re working with, the more productive in the long run we’ll be. But you;re right, Lori. Since it can;t be quantifiably measured, it’s difficult to do sometimes.
I try to do my reading either at a certain time or while I’m doing something else that doesn’t need my immediate attention.
I know you really wrote two books. One was a well-researched book that you felt was missing something. The other was the better book you wrote from the heart once you scrapped the first attempt (assuming I’m remembering correctly!)
How did you carve out time in the day to do the research for your original version of The Happy Place?
Well, it’s good to have you back! You’re new post is awesome. I’ve read it and will comment later — off to visit family in town from Colorado.
Have a wonderful New Year, Lori. It’s a promising time to take stock of the year before and take a new view of the year ahead. May yours bring you love and joy and everything good and beautiful!
Hi Ken,
? If I could get all my info in audio formats I could do that. Barring that, I’ll just have to find the time somewhere! 
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I did write “two books”! I did all my writing on Saturdays. I’m not sure I can fit studying in there as well as I plan to go back to baking bread too on Saturdays. How can you read and do something else at the same time
It’s nice to be back in the B!
Lori Gosselin recently posted … How to Hit the Ground Running in January
Hi Lori!
Well, I wasn’t going to bring it up, but, uh, let’s just say I can read while sitting down, in private, with the door closed. Enough said.
The other “reading” time I have is the audio format you mentioned. I’ve been listening to books on tape (CD now days) for over 2 decades now! I check them out at the library and listen to them in the car or upload ones I’ve bought to my IPod and listen while I work out (yep, I’m THAT nerdy!)
Check out your library and see if that works for you! Maybe even listening while you make your bread?
This is good advice. My goal for the new year is “to be a better person”, but that is vague. I wrote about it on my blog, and have seen a ton of Google Search traffic, which means that a lot of people want to be better. Your 6 obsessions are perfect.
Congrats on the added Google traffic, Thom. And thanks for stopping by. Pleasure to meet you.
I think most people have something inside us that knows we ought to be good people. We admire the Gandhis and Mother Teresas of the world and even wish we were more like them. That you’re getting all that traffic for that topic excites me (I’ll be posting a similar article soon myself)!
Thanks again for coming over and sharing your thoughts. And thanks for the kind words as well.
Have a great New Year, Thom.
PS: If you have a blog, you can link it here when you post a comment. Just fill in the info in the commentluv boxes.
Great Ken! This can help us all start the year off right. Thank you. I do have one more to add. Be obsessed with staying humble. When we stay humble we can keep the counterfeit away.
thank you again and blessing for a great New Year!![My Profile]()
Debbie recently posted … How to Take Charge of Your World in 2012!
Hi Debbie! Thanks!
I like your addition! Humility is the gateway to growth because it opens us up to learning from others and recognizing we don’t always have all the answers. Some refer to humility as teachability, as a matter of fact.
Thanks for the awesome inclusion of another trait to our list of obsessions!
I wish you an amazing New Year, Debbie!
Stopping at Meant to be Happy is a beautiful way to start the New Year…I am assured of a loving dose of wisdom, kindness and inspiration…and…I was NOT disappointed!! You have included such compelling and well thought out suggestions in your list of obsessions and you have made sure that you differentiated between the healthy obsession and the counterfeit obsession….such a wise thing to make clear the way that the counterfeit obsessions can disguise themselves in our often unobservant lives and create problems. I am also loving that you included balance as an obsession to be nurtured. We so often talk about balance and seeking balance and creating balance but we don’t commit to the possibilities of balance…that as a healthy obsession, it can provide for us a relief valve in the pressure cooker that is life. If we embrace letting go, we can better allow balance to become a natural part of our lives. To let go of “needing” to get something done or release the “gotta haves” in our lives, we automatically open the door to a more balanced and happier life.![My Profile]()
While you generously ask for the sharing of your community’s obsessions, I am pretty sure that you have covered six of the most important and empowering obsessions that can affect change in our lives.
I look forward to many conversations to come in 2012 with you my kind friend. I am loving watching as your community grows under your loving watch. Your words need to be shared and I am so happy to watch your home here grow!
May 2012 bring you and your family the joy that is love and peace that is found in wisdom.
Claudia recently posted … Another Auld Lang Syne
Your kind and generous words are always deeply appreciated, Claudia! Thank you so much!
Obsessions can truly be destructive not only to the person with the obsession, but the family of the obsessed person and often the object of that obsession. So balance becomes absolutely critical when writing of such things. But balance is also difficult thing to find. So often life tips the scales. Then demands and needs of family and time-sensitive projects call us to readjust the allocation of out time. This way we’re pretty regularly shifting the balance of our lives around.
But you’re right, Claudia, a balanced life does release so much of that built-up pressure. I love the idea of “letting go” too. So much of the pressures of life can be diminished if not avoided altogether by that frame of mind, just letting things slide off our backs, letting go of the need to control the outcome of everything, accepting a life of vicissitudes.
Actually, my lost of recommended obsession was too long for one post so I split it in half and sent the other half to the blog, Pick the Brain. Go take a look!
Thanks again for your steady supply of loving kindness, Claudia. You’re the best!
ah yes – no need a perfect balance all the time. Thanks for sharing 2 sides of the coin

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We should all find our own balance,passion and obsession, and be aware of what we are doing
I’m going to be passionate about being me, but not obsessed with perfecting me
All the best for 2012
Noch Noch recently posted … crystal nemo’s new year revelations
I lOVE that, Noch! “Be passionate about being me, but not obsessed with perfecting me.” While I love the process of self-discovery and growth, perfectionism in anything can rob that process of the joy it can be and can also get in the way of growth. When I was much younger and learning a foreign language, my perfectionism (really an insecurity) kept me from using the language until I felt I knew it well enough. You can guess what happened. I never learned it as well as I could have had I abandoned my perfectionism and used what I knew the best I could.
Thanks for that awesome insight, Noch!
Have an amazing 2012!
hahha that’s so funny – i used to never want to speak in a foreign language until i perfected it too, though the irony is that unless I practice and make a fool of myself i can’t perfect it! now I just say what I want to say whether i know the language well enough. might as well…
Noch Noch
I had friends who just went for it and spoke in all their mumbling glory while I kept practicing in the quiet of my perfectionism … and they learned the language so much better and faster than I did!
I like your attitude. Might as well!
Have a great day, Noch!
Very interesting and empowering article, Ken. I think that you described here the most essential positive obsessions, and I liked that you also describe and negative part of each obsession.
Thank you so much, Gitana! Thank you for coming by and commenting. I’m so glad you found what I wrote to be of value.
Have a wonderful New Year! And thanks agian for visiting. Hope to see you around again soon!
What a great way to look at obsessions and seeing how we all can take our love of people, places and things a bit too far. I like #2 the most because I can see how “we” tend to push our beliefs on values on others instead of letting others have their own unique perspective. Thing how boring life would be if we all liked the same things, thought the same things etc.
Take care and Happy New Year Ken!
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Justin Mazza recently posted … 2011 a Year in Review for Mazzastick.com
Thank Justin! You look at history and it’s filled with examples of people and groups trying to impose their values on others in some pretty horrific ways. That’s just an ugly sort of obsession. And you’re right about the boredom of everyone being and thinking the same.
Thank so much for coming by, my friend. Hope the first few days of the new year have been treating you kindly!
I love it Ken. Our minds are mingling! I call it an attitude of WOW. W.O.W. = Wonderfully Obsessed Winning. When WOW becomes our attitude, we are Wonderfully Obsessed with Winning at the game of life; we are enthusiastically preparing for higher levels of achievement. I am making this claim own the basis of my past experiences with a WOW attitude of Entrepreneurship and currently the creative act of writing. Being obsessed with healthily pursuing a better life is a the most fulfilling place to be![My Profile]()
rob white recently posted … When Two Hands on the Clock Meet on Twelve
Hey Rob, that’s an awesome phrase: “Wonderfully Obsessed Winning.!”
Yes, I feel the tingle of the mingle!
WOW certainly paid of for your entrepreneurial passion. And your writing is just amazing. But I love your last line: :Being obsessed with healthily pursuing a better life is the most fulfilling place to be.” I couldn’t have put is better, Rob! To halfheartedly do anything is to guarantee lackluster results. But to throw heart and soul into accomplishing something important to you is to open doors of possibility.
Thanks so much for the comment and insight, my friend.
Great obsessions. I’ve found a few on here that I’ve been obsessed with lately in order to make myself better in the new year. So far I’m focusing on obsessing with learning and health since I now find myself with much more time to do them. I hope I can make this year a productive one.![My Profile]()
Steve recently posted … Why it is Important to Dream Big
I’m confident you’ll have a great year of productivity, Steve. Just keep your eye on the ball. If you slip, get back up without self-condemnation and keep your aim leveled at your goals and move forward.
I need to refocus my obsession with health too. I’m usually pretty good, but the holidays put more junk food in my body and less time at the gym. Time to recommit and keep stepping toward the goal!
Take care, Steve. And thanks for sharing your thoughts here!
You wrote it very well about all the six obsessions one must possess in life. If we dont have an obsession for those things, its almost impossible to live a better life. Right now i am very much obsessed with making a difference in life and proving something for myself. And i am glad that i am obsessed with it because i am very much liking it; its kind of challenge for me now. If i talk about rest of the obsessions, i think i am already obsessed with most of them. Then only thing i need to learn to be obsessed is the balance thing, once i get a grip on it, i am sure many things would be alright for me. Hope so i would be able to do it this new year 2012. Wish you a blessed and Happy New Year 2012.![My Profile]()
Elvirah recently posted … Life without you….
Hello Elvirah! Welcome to Meant to be Happy! I’m so glad you stopped by and shared your thoughts here!
So good to hear your obsessions are all wonderful obsessions. There is so much that is good and praiseworthy, beautiful and amazing in this world of ours. Sure, there’s the ugly and depraved, but there is so much calling us to reach up and overcome and serve and work and create something truly inspiring out of life. Those who tend to think it might be a good idea to chase a dream will never reach it because they lack that passionate drive I’m calling obsession.
But balance, yes, that’s the difficult one for me too. I guess all we can do is keep reminding ourselves of our deepest values, schedule time for the things in life that matter most, and keep working at it.
Thanks again for sharing your insight, Elvirah. It’s really good to meet you!
[…] research landed me to wonder if obsession could ever be healthy? I found an inspirational list of 6 Obsessions that Will Make You a Better Person on the Meant to Be Happy […]
I just found this article but it could have been from 2005 and it still would have been useful. I really enjoyed how you provided both ends of the spectrum, proving that too much of a good thing can be bad. We think that obsession to health and values would be good, but there is such a thing as going overboard. Thanks for this!![My Profile]()
Alex recently posted … Whatever It Takes
[…] Happy people are authentic. They are real and know who they are and what they like. They are in touch with their feelings and spend time learning and growing and developing. Self-accepting people may forgive themselves of their own shortcomings, but they don’t excuse them. […]
[…] Happy people are authentic. They are real and know who they are and what they like. They are in touch with their feelings and spend time learning and growing and developing. Self-accepting people may forgive themselves of their own shortcomings, but they don’t excuse them. […]
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[…] Happy people are authentic. They are real and know who they are and what they like. They are in touch with their feelings and spend time learning and growing and developing. Self-accepting people may forgive themselves of their own shortcomings, but they don’t excuse them. […]
[…] 6 OBSESSIONS THAT WILL MAKE YOU A BETTER PERSON – ejemplos de obseciones positivas con notas aclaratorias […]
Thank you for this! I’m a student in high school and keeping priorities in mind is difficult but this helped remind me what’s important!
Balance gets you no where That’s a terrible obsession….terrible !
Kind of depends on what you’re trying to get out of life. It’s terrible if you single-mindedly want to become super successful at one or two things. It’s quite useful if you don’t want to sacrifice values and family and friends and your spiritual journey and a generally balanced life at the altar of more worldly forms of success.
Your insightful perspective on obsessions highlights the fine line between positive and negative passions. Channeling obsession towards family, values, health, learning, making a difference, and balance can truly transform lives. It’s about fostering a meaningful existence and leaving a positive impact.