“The line separating good and evil passes not through states, nor between political parties either – but right through every human heart.” ~Alexander Solzhenitsyn
As a reflection of the human desire to rise to the moral occasion, here is a list of 45 ways of becoming a little more devoted to timeless principles in our ongoing and collective effort at becoming better people.
How to Be a Better Person
1. Forgive those who have offended you, even if they’re not sorry.
2. Thank those who have helped you, even if they’ve never thanked you for what you’ve done.
“You can easily judge the character of a man by how he treats those who can do nothing for him.” ~James D. Miles
3. Be kind to those you need nothing from.
4. Care how strangers feel, even if they don’t care how you feel.
“Live in such a way that you would not be ashamed to sell your parrot to the town gossip.” ~Will Rogers
5. Weigh your words and actions and care how they impact others.
“Wisdom is knowing what to do next; virtue is doing it.” ~David Star Jordan
6. Never use lousy emotions to justify lousy behavior.
7. Want to be a better person, hunger for it, value it, prioritize it; you will more likely take steps toward it.
8. Practice being better by doing what decent people do even if you don’t feel like it.
“The measure of a man’s real character is what he would do if he knew he never would be found out.” ~Thomas Babington Macaulay
9. Do good even when no one is looking and there’s nothing in it for you.
10. Let go of anger and never use it as an excuse to treat others poorly.
“You do not wake up one morning a bad person. It happens by a thousand tiny surrenders of self-respect to self-interest.” ~Robert Brault
11. Let go of selfishness by loving others as much as yourself.
12. Let go of self-abuse by loving yourself enough to love others.
13. Always love people more than you love things; the things won’t care one way or another, but the people will.
14. Learn to love the loveless.
“Character is doing the right thing when nobody’s looking. There are too many people who think that the only thing that’s right is to get by, and the only thing that’s wrong is to get caught.” ~J.C. Watts
15. Do a kind deed anonymously.
16. Make all decisions by first consulting your values; every important decision you make is an extension of your character.
17. Let your conscience speak louder than your heart.
“Conscience is that still, small voice that is sometimes too loud for comfort.” ~Bert Murray
18. Pray for the desire and strength and stamina to live a kind, compassionate, loving, courageous life.
19. Accept that others have a right to disagree with you.
20. Accept responsibility for your actions, thoughts, interpretations, attitudes, feelings, emotions and, in the long-run, your life circumstances.
“Laws control the lesser man. Right conduct controls the greater one.” ~Chinese Proverb
21. Do what’s right just because it is.
22. Hold the door even if you’re not attracted to the person you’re holding it for.
23. Let the driver merge even if you’re in a hurry
“If you have integrity, nothing else matters. If you don’t have integrity, nothing else matters.” ~Alan Simpson
24. Tell the truth even if it hurts you.
25. Never use the truth as a weapon to hurt others.
26. Refuse to be the sewage line that allows crap about others to pass through you into the larger cesspool of gossip.
27. Don’t say “yes” if you intend “no.”
28. Care more about truth than your image.
“Character is doing the right thing even when it costs more than you want to pay.” ~Michael Josephson
29. Instead of getting mad at the delay, pray for the people in the accident.
30. Surround yourself with others who are working at being better people too.
31. Work on your character every single day you’re alive.
“I hope I shall possess firmness and virtue enough to maintain what I consider the most enviable of all titles, the character of an honest man.” ~George Washington
32. Spend time daily thinking about moral questions.
33. Plan and practice moral responses to tempting circumstances.
34. Let the person in the checkout line behind you with only one item go before you.
35. Visit someone in need just to say hello and give them your love.
36. Give up something you love (a thing, money, time) to help someone in need.
“The trouble with most of us is that we would rather be ruined by praise than saved by criticism.” ~Norman Vincent Peale
37. Care more about learning what’s right than being or appearing right.
38. Be willing to change your mind once you see another’s opinion is better than your own.
39. Accept that becoming a better person takes time and patience and failure and growth.
“Your life may be the only Bible some people read.” ~Author Unknown
40. Be conscious that every word and every action is a ripple sent out into the world.
41. Be conscious that we are always an example to others — your kids, others’ kids, neighbors, family, even strangers — for good and ill, but our lives are always instructing others how to live; be sure yours is not leading others down self-destructive paths.
“All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing.” ~Edmund Burke
42. Have the courage to stand up and do what’s right even when you’re the only one standing.
43. Have the courage to stand against evil even when it’s uncomfortable to do so or no one else is willing to.
“We will have to repent in this generation not merely for the vitriolic words and actions of the bad people, but for the appalling silence of the good people.” ~Martin Luther King, Jr.
44. Read literature that inspires decency; act on the inspiration.
“Character is much easier kept than recovered.” ~Thomas Paine
45. Don’t give up. Ever. And enjoy the process of becoming a better person … one step at a time!
Your Turn!
- What suggestions do you have for becoming a better person this year?
- How have you become a better person from last year?
- What areas or traits are you going to work on this year?
Please share your thoughts in the comments.
And don’t forget to Share and Tweet this post if you found value in it!
Note: Check out my guest post at Motivational Memo called 6 Life Lessons Learned from Teaching High School! It’s a follow-up article to Life 101: Life Lessons from a Decade of Teaching Teens
Photo courtesy of Pixabay
Great points here Ken. Already point one opens the eyes and adapting the remaining in daily life can really change one’s character for good. Many thanks for another amazing tips for living in a society which is getting more individualistic based on quick success.![My Profile]()
Davek recently posted … Harry F. Banks – Enthusiasm
HI Davek!
That first one can be a hard one to carry out though. Pride and anger and resentment and fear and what turns out to be a web of complicated and often contradictory emotions can very easily get in the way. Letting go of that complicated web is much easier said than done, right? But can be done.
Thanks for your kind words, Davek
Hi ken!
![My Profile]()
I’m impressed with anyone who can make a list like this! Each one could be a post, couldn’t it!These are great words to live by! I can’t think of a thing to add except this – keep going!
LOL Just keep doing what you said you’d do.
Lori Gosselin recently posted … Trend 2012: Women-only Hotel Floors
Hello, Lori!
Aw, thanks! I never thought of that, but maybe I’ll just go and do it, making each point a post in its own. Thanks for that bit of inspiration! As for adding to the list, I was at my end when I posted it too!
Have a wonderful weekend!
Love number 15 “Do a kind deed anonymously” Feels awesome to do that! And 44 is really important to stay inspired and keep your head in the right place. Have a wonderful day!![My Profile]()
Wendy Irene recently posted … The Importance of Protein
Hi Wendy!
When I was younger, some of my friends and I would bake cookies and play ding-dong-ditchem. But instead of a prank, we would leave the plate of cooking there with a note telling them how much they were appreciated.
Talking about feeling good! Thank you so much for stopping by, Wendy.
Hey Ken,
This is such a wonderful compilation. Being a better person takes small actions but have huge impacts. Also, the fact that we are even trying to make ourselves better is a step,
I have learnt that the most important thing is to forgive. It takes a lot of courage to forgive someone. But if it is a horrible act which one can’t seem to offer the forgiveness then just move on and don’t think about it. The more you think, the more it hurts and more difficult it becomes.
Also, doing something nice anonymously has such a great wave of satisfaction that nothing else matters.![My Profile]()
Hajra recently posted … Will they call you over for a bloggers party?
Hi Hajra!
Thank you so much! Sometimes we see a vision of where we want to go, how we want to live, who we want to be, and just jump off the cliff and dive for it. But that approach usually doesn’t work very well for most of us. Usually, we need just what you suggested: taking “small actions,” growing even if just a little every day! I’m reminded of the old saying that asks how to eat an elephant? One bite at a time.
Thanks for the comment, Hajra!!!
Hi Ken,
Lots of great points in this blog. You’ve been busy! I like the one rung at a time caption with the photo. The main point I see is that our lives and character are built one choice at a time with our thoughts, feelings, actions, etc.
I’m focusing on gratitude and small improvements for 2012. Gratitude has become my foundation and small improvements is a gentler perspective for me.
Random kindnesses are great too.
Thank you, Brad!
The tagline to the banner below the photos on my blog reads: “Discovering joy … one day at a time.” And I think that’s just how it’s done. We can’t bite off more than we can chew. But we can plot along, always conscious of ourselves. Always looking to improve. Always building our character.
Do unto others. Kaarina![My Profile]()
Kaarina Dillabough recently posted … There is no free lunch
Yes, do unto others, Jaira!
That’s the key to so many problems in life, isn’t it? If only we understood the struggle and difficulty now. Maybe the world would sigh a little, relieved to have you at Stu’s place!
Hi Ken…I agree with Lori…each one of your 45 ways could be a blog unto itself. The interesting thing to me about the list is that I can run through the list and say with equal passion, “yup, I do that” and “oops I need to do that more” In other words, each of your suggestions is SO do-able and, in fact, have been done by me numerous times. The trick is to make the list happen consistently because, well, I am not at all consistent. I think that the best thing about this amazing list is that it encourages us to be constantly mindful…to stop for a nano second and assess our action, our behavior, our thought and maybe take the time to tweak. Your wisdom, Ken, is infused in each and every one of the list of 45 ways to be a better person…THANK YOU!![My Profile]()
Claudia recently posted … Crazy Butcher…A Tale of Two Stories
I’m always so touched by your kindness, Claudia! Thank you so very much!
Ahhh, consistency! I am such a courageous, compassionate, kind, patient, humble, responsible, hard-working, intelligent, wise, loving, forgiving, honest, grateful man … that is, if I’m able to pick the precise moments of judgment.
Consistency is the great challenge, isn’t it? We’re all in that boat together, I think. That’s why people go to church and read scripture and listen to seminars and read other books and look up inspiring quotes and all. We need that constant reminder, that hand in the dark to lead us back to the path of sound character. It’s inevitable that we fall off, wander off, or even run off the path from time to time. But as long as we keep trying, keep coming back, keep working at it, I think we’re doing alright. I guess I look at it this way: the direction is more important than the place. In other words, where I’m at in my level of decency is less important than whether I’m growing or floundering.
That’s the way I look at it anyway.
Thanks so much for sharing your always-so-kind-thoughtful-and-wise words here, my dear friend!
This was a great read, Ken! We are taught most of this list in the course of our lives – but some people find it such a challenge to practice!
Thank you very much – and happy to connect!![My Profile]()
Vidya Sury recently posted … Relationships
Hi Vidya! I’m glad you liked it.
Where the rubber meets the pavement is always the testing point of our values. Great character is easy in a vacuum, without trial or test. But add a sprinkle or two of real life, and all of a sudden it gets real tough to put our values to practice for extending periods of time.
But as they say, practice makes permanent. And that works for character traits as well. I think there’s great value in using our imaginations to walk through scenarios that may normally cause us to stumble so we can recreate a better response without some of the unpredictability and stress of the moment. Practicing living well in our minds can make confronting similar situations in real life that much easier to choose the higher road.
Thanks again, Vidya! Have a great weekend!
hello Ken,
So many thoughts here. Must have taken forever to compile! I’m going to save this in my ‘Blog Post Inspiration’ file as there’s lots of that here.
I think being true to my values is something I need to work on. I sometimes find I’m agreeing when I know I should disagree, for example.
So much work to do on being a better person… must start… today.![My Profile]()
Linda Hewett recently posted … Who Else Wants To Stop Worrying?
Wow! I want a “Blog Post Inspiration” file!
Hi Linda! It can be tough to consistently be true to our values. One of the most misused words in the English language must be “hypocrite.” So many people use it when they should be using “inconsistent” instead. And aren’t we all an inconsistent bunch! As long as we keep working at it (and aren’t in any major violations! ;))
Have a great weekend!
Wow great post. I love brainstorming ideas like this myself. It is amazing how much information we hold within about living a purposeful and positive lifestyle and yet it can be easy to lose connection to the simple rules of life. May I add some more ideas
1) Spend quality time with nature to remind ourselves the beauty in life
2) Create a social group of friends who give as much as you give in return
3) Live life everyday as if it was your last and be grateful for every step of the journey regardless of the challenges ahead.
Thanks for this great post. Certainly inspires us
![My Profile]()
Paul recently posted … Thrive in Today’s Economy with The Financial Game of Life Bootcamp – FREE Ticket
That muscle between the ears is a pretty amazing organ! Filled with so much storage space too! Thanks for coming by, Paul.
Great additions! I love being out in nature. There is something refreshing and renewing about connecting with all that raw, untamed life. A group of friends can certainly keep us focused on what’s right and good for our lives as well. #3 is my favorite for being a better person though.
Gratitude is such an important trait to develop for so many reasons. We are happier with a well-developed sense of it. Others feel better around us. We become a greater influence for good in others’ lives. Grateful people tend to treat others better. They’re also more fulfilled. By living a more fulfilling life, they are more willing to give of their time and substance to help others as well.
I also LOVE the idea of living like everyday was your last. Our time is such a precious resource. And so many people squander so much of it. If today was our last day to live, would I watch TV? Any TV? Would I peer through the virtual window into other peoples lives on Facebook all day? There is so much to do, so many things to experience, so much to learn, so many people to love. And no time to waste (which doesn’t mean there’s no time for downtime and fun and relaxation, but the irretrievable hours and hours many waste is still mind-boggling!).
Excellent additions to the list, Paul! Thanks for sharing them!
Hi Ken,
This was a brilliant post. Thank you for writing. I like to remind myself to be mindful of not harming others through my words and also my thoughts.![My Profile]()
Hiten recently posted … Stuttering Hub connects with 2achieveyourgoals.com
Thanks so much, Hiten! You’re certainly welcome. Our words can be so sharp. But unlike many sword wounds that can heal up with no lasting side-effects, words are often delivered tipped with a poison that lingers in the soul of the person wounded by them.
What we say and how we say it can make all the difference between a good and a struggling marriage, between good and bad relationship with children, between a good and an ineffective leader.
Thanks so much for that insight, Hiten! Great comment!
That’s a lot of ways, Ken….thank you for sharing.![My Profile]()
We all should strive to be better continuously….each day, look for something that we can do just a little bit better than before…..share & care. Thankyou
be good to yourself
David Stevens recently posted … Living Life Today – When adding some “greed”, can actually help
What’s up, David! Hello!
Just the tip of the iceberg, my friend. It’s sort of interesting. I remember when I first started my personal development journey, working on all the junk under the hood of my life. I was a senior in high school. I thought I was a pretty decent guy at the time. It was only when I started reading books about Gandhi and Mother Teresa and Buddha and scripture and other works that I started realizing there were actually a whole lot of ways to become better. I remember feeling a little down about myself as I realized just how far I had to go. I’ve since learned to enjoy the journey AS I learn and grow and tweak the internal wiring here and there, but it just goes to show there are many, many ways to become a better person. But I had to stop somewhere, so chose 45.
It never hit me before, but your closing comment is itself another way to be better in 2012. We are often our worse judges, juries and prison guards. So we really should be good to ourselves. Thanks for making me think!
Take care, my friend!
Hi Ken,
Becoming a better person is something we should all work towards. It is a lifelong process and we should proceed slowly, but steadily, one step at a time. These are 45 great ways you have listed to be a better person! Here are my thoughts on some of them.
17. Let your conscience speak louder than your heart
Guilt can be a crippling emotion. It is better to always do what is right so we have peace of mind. That said, the right thing is not always easy, but it is certainly worth the effort in the long run. Doing the right thing reduces the needless problems we have to face when we take the short cut.
40. Be conscious that every word and every action is a ripple sent out into the world
Every choice and action that each human being makes can set off a chain of events that may have a far-reaching impact. The situation is further complicated when these choices and actions intermingle and overlap. Thus, it is always prudent to be conscious of the choices and actions that we make. Every single little thing we do that is right may affect lives in ways we will never know.
Thank you for sharing this lovely article!
Irving the Vizier![My Profile]()
The Vizier recently posted … Sharing Your Inner World to Enrich Memories and Experiences
Hey there, Irving!
I love what you said about guilt. All so true. I wrote an article about guilt that I think you might find interesting. Take a peak and let me know what you think of it. I’d really like to know.
I LOVE that whole ripple metaphor. It is so true. What I often wonder about is the number of people whose lives are changed with a smile or a kind word or a pat on the back … and we never know we had that impact. I hear the stories about the person who was on the verge of ending it all. They make a pact with themselves that if no one says hi or notices them again, they’ll go home and end it. And then someone does. And a life is saved.
We are all so immensely powerful. But I wonder how many people let such moments go. Or send the wrong kind of ripples all too often. Just underscores the need to be ever working on the person in the mirror!
Great comment, as always!
Thinking about #22: Holding the door for others
I frequently walk a little faster when I’m approaching a door and someone else is approaching at about the same (regardless of who they are – male or female). The other person is probably thinking that I’m trying to get through first to get to whatever line there is inside. I surprise them by holding the door for them and letting them get in line first. And I look them in the eye and smile. I always find that fun.
The rest of the list is awesome! That one stood out for me.![My Profile]()
Paige | simple mindfulness recently posted … How to Create Your Best Year Ever – One Conscious Choice at a Time
Hi Paige!!!
I LOVE knowing that about you! I do the same, though I have to admit to doing it a little more for women and the less-than-youthful. I guess it’s just the old fashioned guy in me. Chivalry, I like to think of it as!
But if I am at the door first, I’ll hold it for whoever is behind me. I just may not hurry to get in front of a dude! 
17. Let your conscience speak louder than your heart
Hey Ken, I never thought heart and conscience were different. Well I suppose it is now. Thanks for pointing that out.
30. Surround yourself with others who are working at being better people too.
Good one. Collective inspiration works wonders.
42. Have the courage to stand up and do what’s right even when you’re the only one standing
43. Have the courage to stand against evil even when it’s uncomfortable to do so or no one else is willing to
Great points. My personal favourites.
Hi Dileep!
The way I look at it, the conscience often speaks to us through the heart, but many people go with their hearts divorced from the voice the conscience speaks with.
Here’s what I mean: A girl may fall for a guy who is messed up with drugs and sleeps around and doesn’t treat people very kindly. An inner voice (conscience) sounds the warning. But her heart says, “I love him!” She follows her heart and is badly hurt or worse (and I’ve seen this happen), over time, she is influenced by the guy and ends up addicted herself and treating people as poorly as he does.
Here’s another scenario: A guy sees something in a store he really wants. He has his heart set on it. He doesn’t have money, but wants it more than he wants to listen to that nagging feeling in the pit of his gut that knows it’s wrong to take it without paying. His conscience says no. His heart says yes.
Anyway, that’s the way I differentiate the two. But you’re right to suppose the heart and conscience is the same when the conscience is speaking through the metaphoric heart. That’s how we often feel the prick of conscience. But thank you so much for having me clarify. That was helpful for others, I’m sure.
I really like the way you worded that: “Collective inspiration.” Well said.
Thanks for sharing your thoughts here. I truly appreciated your input!
Hey Ken..Thanks for the clarification. Its evident that your replies are a result of a sensible thought process. I am humbled by your words of appreciation. Glad that I could be of some value. Take care and keep it coming. Thanks.
My pleasure, Dileep! Thank you.
Ken, I love these! Especially:
12. Let go of self-abuse by loving yourself enough to love others
16. Make all decisions by first consulting your values; every important decision you make is an extension of your character
38. Be willing to change your mind once you see another’s opinion is better than your own
Ken, you’re never afraid to challenge the status quo! Looking forward to what you’ve got for 2012!![My Profile]()
Bryan Thompson recently posted … What Do You Do When You Don’t Feel the Love Anymore?
Hey buddy! Always a treat to see you grace my home-away-from-home here, Bryan!
I’ve been trying to get a handle on everything I’m juggling right now. As soon as things quiet down a bit, I’ll get back over to your place to say hello. Just haven’t been commenting much lately! So many things to do and so little time to do it all!
But thank you so much for stopping by, my friend.
#12 is the flip side of the Biblical injunction to love our neighbors as ourselves. If we don’t love ourselves very much, that’s a pretty low bar to set for our love for others!
Thanks for coming by, Bryan. Always good to see you.
[…] that I had my own life to live and needed to let my children live their lives. If I let go, maybe we’d all be happier. I decided to combine the two ideas: the frantic mother and the Zen like teacher, and become one, […]
i like “do good even if there is nothing in it for you”
i’m learning to give and not invest. just give unconditionally. calculating every return means i’m not actually giving with my heart. and that has got to go
noch noch![My Profile]()
Noch Noch | be me. be natural. recently posted … challenging my worries
I like this, Noch: “Calculating every return means i’m not actually giving with my heart.” Well said!
It reminds me of the big donors who call a press conference to hand over the mega-sized check to the recipient hospital administrator who will then build a new wing in the name of the donor. Now don’t get me wrong, if that’s what it takes to get wealthy donors to give to needed causes, by all means, go for it! But you have to wonder what motivated the giving and whether is was a calculated gift as a form of advertizing or not. Personal character is best served when we give, as you say, from the heart.
Thanks for the addition, Noch Noch!![My Profile]()
KenWert recently posted … The Sexiness of Happiness
Thanks for the tips you have provided here…I am sure this can be effective to be a better person…![My Profile]()
Gabriellie recently posted … Cure Tinnitus Naturally
Thank you, Gabrielle!
I think they can be effective too. The great news is that the number I have aren’t necessary to become a better person. I’ve spent most of my life working at being a better person. And I still have miles to travel! But for those who have just started thinking about it, maybe just one or two daily or weekly goals would be much better. That way progress can be more easily tracked and there is less a chance or likelihood to become overwhelmed and quit.
Thanks so much for the comment, Gabrielle. I so appreciate you sharing here.
Mr Kent I’ve really been needing positive guidence I use to make a point in being a the best person I could be, but have lost
Myself somewhere over probably the last year Ian ashamed to say but I’m realized that only I can make it back to that person that I inspire to be u have such wonderful energy on ur site I’m so happy I have stumbled upon it my goal is by the end of the year at most I will have just joyful energy to give not only myself but others. Thank you for this beautiful site
Hi Alanna,
Thank you so much for your kind words about my site. That means so much to me. But what is even more meaningful is the idea that you are committed to returning to your previous path. We all stumble. We all fall short. But it’s an impressive person who decides to make a significant turn in their lives to live a more noble, elevated and decent life of principle. Thank you so much for that resolve to be a better person. That’s such an inspiration to me.
I’ll be rooting for you on your journey! Thanks for sharing your thoughts with me, Alanna. I’ll keep trying to produce content that will keep you coming back!
Mr Kent I wanted to let u know I’ve really took in ur inspiring words the past few days & really feel the positive energy thank you really I write I write n my journal everyday to keep me n check its really working I know I need to progress but I haven’t felt this good of s spirit in a long time it a lot of BC God led me to ur site thank u so much
Hi Alanna,
It’s been a while since you left this comment, but just wanted to check up on you. How are things going these days? Are you still writing in your journal? Have you been reading (here or elsewhere, doesn’t matter)?
Thanks for sharing your thoughts here, Alanna. I hope I’ve been able to provide ongoing help.
Mr. Wert,
I always aspire to be a better person, and this post really sums up everything. I love all the points you made here. I especially love #29 – “Instead of getting mad at the delay, pray for the people in the accident”. Next time I am stuck in traffic because of an accident, I will always remember to do this!
Thank for these great reminders! Here is a great reminder for you: You’re the best teacher I’ve ever had! This blog really proves that exact statement, because you continue to teach me things about life even after I’ve long graduated
Thank you, thank you, thank you!
I’m not surprised to hear you always aspire to be a better person, Thu. You’ve always impressed me that way. You’ve always been so giving.
My son sort of uses #29 too. We’ll sometimes offer a prayer together, but usually he just verbalizes his wishes that everyone is okay. In terms of getting upset about the traffic, it has the same effect.
You are too sweet. There are not many things you could have said to me that would have meant more to me than your kind words here.
Thank you, Thu.
Great list, going to be saving this and going over it when I can as I need to work on some of these things myself. Especially with forgiveness. keep up the great work ken.![My Profile]()
Brian Hunter recently posted … Is It Time to Stop Using Binaural Beats
Hey Brian,
Was just replying to a new comment on this post and saw yours hanging out here unanswered. So sorry I missed it. But thanks so much for stopping by and sharing your thoughts here. You might be interested in a guest post I wrote about forgiveness you can access here: How to Forgive Your Parents for doing such a Crummy Job of Raising You. And while this was written with the parent/child relationship in mind, most of the principles are pretty universally applicable.
There’s nothing as important as building a strong character. It affects everything else in life. Enjoy the process and take it a step at a time.
[…] Stagnant pools become poisonous just as stagnant lives do. But dynamic lives of self-discovery and personal improvement and constant education feels good. Even if we have miles and miles to go before we see anything […]
[…] Stagnant pools become poisonous just as stagnant lives do. But dynamic lives of self-discovery and personal improvement and constant education feels good. Even if we have miles and miles to go before we see anything […]
i express my self and i would like all of you to enjoy your life and think whats right or wrong
Thanks for you input, Anne.
[…] that I had my own life to live and needed to let my children live their lives. If I let go, maybe we’d all be happier. I decided to combine the two ideas: the frantic mother and the Zen like teacher, and become one, […]
Before you open your mouth, ask yourself…is it kind, is it truthful and is it necessary?![My Profile]()
cj recently posted … How to Break up with the Nasty Parts of your Life (a breakup letter to yourself)
Love the counsel, CJ! If only we all followed that advice, what a beautiful world we would have and a decent people we would be!
[…] found this very interesting article and decide to share it. Please enjoy and for more check it out here @ […]
[…] References: Tony Edgell The Hero Inside You http://www.huffingtonpost.com/joyce-marter-/10-ways-to-evolve-and-be-_b_4495114.html http://meanttobehappy.com/45-ways-to-be-a-better-person-in-2012/ […]
[…] See Full Story on meanttobehappy.com […]
Thank you for sharing this. We need to improve ourselves not only physically but also mentally and spiritually.