Posts Tagged ‘Potential’

Are These 4 Beliefs Poisoning You?

There are things that matter and things that don’t. Some of those beliefs and ideas that don’t matter can actually poison the soul and kick us where it counts. Here are 4 things that don’t matter. But they can also lead to destroyed lives of waisted potential and deep sadness. Avoid these pitfalls for a much more rewarding life of happiness and decency.

How the Fear of Dying is Slowly Killing You

Guest post by Stuart Mills: Instead of enjoying the life they already have, many people spend their waking moments worrying about all that could possibly go wrong. Death is seen as something to be avoided at all costs – the idea is to live as long and as safely as possible. Instead of thriving, these people simply survive.

5 Beliefs that will Radically Change Your Life Forever

Does your life matter? Do you have worth? Is life meaningful? What you believe about you, about who you are and what you can do and what limitations there are on you will largely determine how your life plays out. To change the outcome of your life, change the beliefs you have about it. Some beliefs will weigh you down. Others will free you to rise. Which beliefs do you have?

51 Permissions Granted by Life

Are you your worst critic? Do you beat yourself up over small mistakes? Sometimes we can find it so difficult to allow ourselves the right to simply be human. We demand and expect so much of ourselves. Come read this post and see what permissions Life would grant you as you struggle to figure out the balance between self-expectations and self-acceptance.

The Pursuit of Happiness

Jefferson claimed that Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness were God-given self-evident truths. What do those truths mean to us today? Does Life have meaning? Is Liberty essential to happiness? How is Happiness pursued? Jefferson’s immortal words still speak to us today in ways that can motivate and inspire.

A Note along the Road to Happiness

So stand up! Go live life! You have the capacity for greatness. You can live an abundant life of deep, refreshing, and rewarding joy. You can overcome anything! You can become anything! You have divine potential! So go and realize it!

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