Posts Tagged ‘Peace’

Inner Peace Like a Piece of Pizza

Have you ever had a conversation with your food? Me either. Until one day … (Excerpt): “My slice of cheese pizza had no jealousy for the meat-lovers slices or envy for the supreme slices. It didn’t judge the Canadian Bacon … or itself, for that matter. It was simply what it was. Nothing more. Nothing less.” There’s a lesson even a slice of pizza can teach the best of us. Come check it out.

What Happiness Looks Like Naked

Happiness isn’t much like most other goals we pursue. You can aim directly at losing weight, for example, or learning Chinese. But not so much with happiness because happiness is the natural byproduct of other traits that can be more directly targeted. So what is happiness? What are the characteristics that compose it? Come read and see how much of its parts are a part of you.

There’s More than One Way to Live Forever

Quote #12 of 16: “God would not have created such a being as man, with an ability to grasp the infinite, to exist only for a day!” There is another sort of immortality that can be achieved by leaving a legacy of meaning and purpose. 5 Ways to leave a legacy

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