Posts Tagged ‘Influence’

“Complete System Failure” (a vital lesson in moral vigilance)

If we protect our computer systems with spam filters and virus protection and firewalls and the like, why do we so quickly download such awful garbage into the most important memory storage system we will ever own?

How to Influence People even though You’re a Hypocrite

Too often, our words get drowned in the noise of our own behavior. We tell others to live one way and yet fall woefully short ourselves. This is inevitable because we are all imperfect beings. The problem is less our inconsistency and more our lack of humility.

Sending Ripples

Every action we take creates a ripple that undulates out into the larger currents of life. Each of the hundreds of daily decisions we sometimes only half-consciously make is the equivalent to the act of tossing pebbles in a pond. They splash and start ripples that quiver across the pools of life in ever-enlarging circles of influence. What kind of ripples are you making in life’s pond?

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