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Archive for the ‘Personal Development’ Category
Say Yes to Change and Rewrite the Ending of Your Life
“Often, the moment when personal change begins is like thunder. We are startled by what Read More.

What’s the Motto with You? The Power of Personal Mottos, Part I
Millions upon millions of corporations, nations, cities and states, government agencies, non-profit organizations, clubs and events have created and adopted mottos as expressions of what they want to be and how they want to be seen, what they strive for and as a reflection of their core beliefs and values and as a way to infuse into the organization those values they want absorbed into the organizational climate. Why not individual and family mottos as well?

5 Ways to Break Through What Keeps You from the Life You Want
Guest post by Hiten Vyan: What stops you from breaking through the brick walls in your life and experiencing the life you dream of? Most obstacles to doing what we want are self-imposed, created in the chambers of our minds and hearts. One of those self-defeating ways of thinking is to think in worst-case scenarios. Come read 5 ways to break through that mental trap to the life you truly want.

What’s on the Dashboard of your Life?
If you’re a blogger, you know a dashboard is more than the place you instinctively glance to check your speed when you pass a police car. A blog’s dashboard is where much of the behind-the-scenes work of a site happens, allowing us to individualize the appearance and functionality of our blogs. But these same characteristics can also be found in our own lives as well. What’s on the dashboard of your life?

Ideas that Matter: Part II
Great and noble ideas have led to great and noble lives doing great and noble things. They have led to the creation of nations built upon the conviction that freedom is the heart and soul of good government. They have led to the exploration and discovery of the inner workings of the human mind. They have gone far to uncover the mysteries of life. Ideas truly matter. They also matter on a personal, human developmental level.

How to Live Daily, Filling Each Moment with Meaning and Purpose
While a new year is a nice benchmark of sorts, its really only one day after the day before. It holds no magic. Perhaps better than endless New Years Resolutions that seem so often to start and stop and start and flounder and start and end, would be to daily resolve to live that one 24-hour chunk of time to its fullest. Maybe by carving out an amazing day, all those amazingly meaningful days would add up to an amazingly beautiful life.

The Power of Being Underestimated
This is a Guest Post by Alex Mangini. Think of the last time the odds were against you. Maybe you were considered the underdog in a sporting event, or were told that your goals in life are unrealistic. Whatever the case may be, the only thing that’s important is how you overcome these problems. Some people thrive on adversity and use it to fuel success. You can learn this invaluable characteristic too. Steve Jobs exemplified this well.

Simple Answers to Life’s Hardest Questions
Do you struggle to make sense of life? Does happiness seem fleeting and distant? Is emotional pain eating you from the inside? Read my interview with Lori Deschene of Tiny Buddha and see why her site has such a huge following! Also, participate in a free hardcover giveaway of Lori’s new book, “Tiny Buddha: Simple Wisdom for Life’s Hard Questions! Two books will be given out. Come see what all the buzz is about!

25 Tips for Making Christmas More Meaningful
Has Christmas and the holidays lost some of the depth and meaning you remember it having in the past? Make Christmas once again feel like it did when you were young. Add meaning and purpose to your Christmas celebrations as you try one or two of the best tips provided here. And then share what you do to add significance to a significant holiday.

5 Beliefs that will Radically Change Your Life Forever
Does your life matter? Do you have worth? Is life meaningful? What you believe about you, about who you are and what you can do and what limitations there are on you will largely determine how your life plays out. To change the outcome of your life, change the beliefs you have about it. Some beliefs will weigh you down. Others will free you to rise. Which beliefs do you have?

How to Change Your Life in One Simple Step
What you believe about life, yourself, what matters most in life, determines how you live, what you do, how you think, what you value. Belief creates reality. The Truth is constant, but our interpretations of it are not. For deep personal change to stick, beliefs must be questioned and replaced. How you live is a direct result of what you believe.

Random Acts of Wisdom: Wise Comments from Wise Readers
My readers are amazing! Come in and eat at the buffet of wisdom and insight they provide as I launch this first in an on-going series of posts where I use quotable excerpts from comments left on posts I’ve published here at M2bH to introduce topics that will inspire and motivate, enlighten and instruct us all on our shared journey to living better, happier, more rewarding and fulfilling lives.

4 Popular Sayings that Stop You Dead in Your Tracks
There are saying that have become integrated into the human psyche. We accept them as truth. “A penny saved is a penny earned” or “Nothing ventured, nothing gained.” Such words and phrases eloquently capture time-honored wisdom. But other sayings can imprison potential and undermine possibility as we accept them at face value. Come see which phrases you’ve used recently!

Are You “Really” Good Enough?
Many bloggers today will tell you that you are perfect, complete and good enough as is. Is that true? Are you a project that has been finished, the last brush stroke dried, the canvas of your life complete, ready to be hung on a wall? Or is there more work to be done? If so, does that mean you’re not really good enough yet? And what does being good enough really mean anyway? And does it matter? Click on in. The answers may surprise you!

22 Lessons Learned “When Sorrow Walked with Me”
Pain is Life’s great master-teacher. It is the refiner’s fire, the heat that destroys the bacteria of life. It can burn off impurities, or it can consume and destroy. Our attitude, however, determines the outcome. But what do the trials and adversities of life teach us? What lessons are we to learn? What impurities does the heat of trial and tribulation burn off?

Enduring the Unendurable
Have you ever felt sucker-punched by life? Have you felt like you were at your rope’s end? When we find ourselves buried under the weight of trial and despair, we are confronted with two mutually exclusive choices: 1) Lie down, and accept your fate, or 2) Scramble to your feet the best you can, stand as tall as you’re able, look your trial in the eyes and persevere. Come discover 5 ways you too can persevere in the face of your challenges and even become better for having endured.

Live instead of Die
Are you fully living life? Are you truly alive? If you’re not, you know what I’m talking about. There is a part of you that does not feel fully awake, that is shrinking little by little or is hiding or perhaps dying inside you. But be assured, there is more happiness, greater joy, the possibility of deep and rewarding growth and a more abundant life waiting for you. Come see how to climb instead of sit, laugh instead of cry, rise instead of shrink and live instead of die.

10 Ways You Can Stop Being So EASILY Offended
Quote #15 of Series, 16 Principles of Happiness from the 16th President. “We should be too big to take offense and too noble to give it.” Are you thin-skinned and easily offended? You can be happier by applying any of the 10 principles in this post.

You Have to Do Your Own Growing No Matter How Tall Your Grandfather Was
Quote #14 of 16: Regardless of ancestry, we are resposible for contructing the life we want to live, for becoming the person we were meant to be, for constructing a happy, meaningful life.

10 Practical Ways to Develop Self-mastery
Quote #13: “As I would not be a slave, so I would not be a master.” Part 2 of 13th quote in series titled, 16 Principles of Happiness from the 16th President. No one should be master of another … except one … yourself!