Posts Tagged ‘Self-improvement’

One Step at a Time

“We will never make a journey of a thousand miles by fretting about how long Read More.

Failure is What You Make of it

Most people think failure is a bad thing to be avoided, to be ran from, hidden, afraid of and discouraged. And frankly, it doesn’t feel good at all. In fact, it feels terrible, sometimes like you’ve been slammed in the face with the shovel. It’s a fall, a step back, evidence you suck! But it’s not that at all.

Is Guilt Your Friend Or Foe?

Guilt is a tool or mechanism that a well-working conscience uses to communicate to the heart. When we don’t live up to our values, our hearts are pricked with guilt, shame and regret. But we’re not supposed to stay there, letting the guilt settle in and take up residency. It’s a warning signal in the dark of our choices that sends the message to course correct.

How to Fall Madly in Love with your Goals (personal development finally made fun!)

Only 8% of goal-setters ever reach the goals they set. But the problem may be less an issue of will and more an issue of the kinds of goals you’re setting. Learn the best way to set the goals you will always enjoy pursuing and will more likely and easily reach.

25 Tips for Making Christmas More Meaningful

Has Christmas and the holidays lost some of the depth and meaning you remember it having in the past? Make Christmas once again feel like it did when you were young. Add meaning and purpose to your Christmas celebrations as you try one or two of the best tips provided here. And then share what you do to add significance to a significant holiday.

4 Popular Sayings that Stop You Dead in Your Tracks

There are saying that have become integrated into the human psyche. We accept them as truth. “A penny saved is a penny earned” or “Nothing ventured, nothing gained.” Such words and phrases eloquently capture time-honored wisdom. But other sayings can imprison potential and undermine possibility as we accept them at face value. Come see which phrases you’ve used recently!

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