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Posts Tagged ‘Forgiveness’
11 Things Happy People Almost Never Do
“Happy people are happy people because they do what happy people do.” Those people we Read More.

Don’t Despair: Most People are Decent
When it seems like everyone has betrayed you, don’t lose hope. Remember, most people are decent. Even when it is difficult to see, most are behind the scenes of life, doing the work of living decent lives.

How to Forget Once you Forgive
The truth of the matter is that the mind records all it experiences. Add sharp emotion to the experience, and you have a recipe for an elephant-like memory of the nitty gritty. So can forgetting the acts of others against us truly be forgotten? Not likely. So what could the admonition to forgive and forget really mean then?

The Perfection of Imperfection
We are all different, doing different things, living different lives, coming to this point in time, right now as you read these words from different trajectories with different backgrounds and circumstances. So why do we think we all need to do the same things, look the same way, act like everyone else and live the same lives? The obvious answer is that we don’t!

Are You Finally Ready to Forgive? (Challenge #3)
When you hold on to resentment or anger or hatred, letting it eat you up from the inside out, your mind gets stuck in a continuous loop. You replay the offense over and over again, unable to free yourself from the person you most want to get away from. Well, it’s time that ends. Learning to forgive your offender will finally free yourself of that mental loop and open yourself to a life filled with more love and more happiness.

3 Lessons Learned from an Impulsive Act of Anger
A blow-up with my son led to some valuable life lessons about anger.

The Character Pledge (how to be a better person)
Pledging to live up to a set of standards, to something higher and larger and more eternal than self-serving and immediately-gratifying impulses may be considered an insignificant step in the process of actually doing the work of building character. But it’s in the small steps that miles are covered and continents crossed … and a character is fashioned.

The Brick and Mortar of your Life (goal setting where it counts the most)
It’s perfectly fine to want more income or less weight, a higher degree or lower blood pressure, to overcome a habit or start a new one. But when we start stacking one accomplishment on top another on a foundation of sand, life becomes off-centered, unstable, and eventually comes tumbling down. All it takes is one good storm and we’re belly-up on the beach. This is when a firmer foundation is important.

The Happiness Pledge
Happiness is the byproduct of other things. It is the natural effect of the way we live, the way we think, the way we act and believe. Come take the Happiness Pledge as a commitment to those characteristics that add to happiness and start the process of living with more joy than ever before.

How to Be Happy (in 10 steps!)
Are you happy? Really happy? Do you want to be? Most of us have at least had moments of happiness, fleeting or infrequent. We’ve experienced joy in spurts, like a whisper or a puff of smoke. Others seem to almost always to be happy. What’s the difference? Come see and begin today to improve the quality of your life.

5 Ways You Can Finally Achieve Emotional Independence
A life of emotional independence is one wherein my mood and self-esteem and self-worth and happiness are products of my own design. I am not the product of others’ opinions. My feelings are independent of theirs. Others don’t “make” me mad. I choose my emotional responses to life’s circumstances.

10 Priceless Gifts Your Children Need from You Today
What do your kids most need from you? Here are 10 gifts you can give your children that will change their lives … and yours … forever. Come see why parenthood is such serious business. There’s no other business, in fact, more important you can spend your time and energy building. Average parenting requires average effort. Great parenting requires more of us. It requires us to work on the inside, on the person who is the parent. Offering these gifts will require that deep commitment to what’s best to raise happy, loving and decent men and women.

Forgiveness is an 11-letter Word
To forgive is to no longer feel hate or resentment for the person who has hurt you. It is to release them from the emotional bondage you keep them in. It is also to free yourself of that same bondage. It is to feel compassion for their troubled minds and hearts and replace hatred with love. It is to sincerely want the best for them. But forgiveness can be a very difficult thing to do. Check out my guest post at Steve Aitchison’s awesome blog, Change your Thoughts!

10 Essential Character Traits for a Happy Life
When nothing stands between you and the mirror of life, you will recognize the importance of four basic components of life: 1) Your thoughts, 2) Your beliefs, 3) Your relationships and experiences, and 4) Your character. Each is crucial to your happiness. Corrupt any one of the four components and your happiness will be compromised. Period. End of story. This post explores the importance of character to a happy life.

10 Ways to Believe Yourself Happy
Belief is a powerful thing. We act out of our beliefs. Our convictions and values are based on what we believe to be right or good or true. And what we believe also impacts how we feel as well. One way to change how we experience the world is to change what we believe about it.

8 More Ways Faith Can Increase Happiness
Religion offers a powerful context for the development of traits that help produce happiness in Read More.