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Posts Tagged ‘Adversity’
Every Thorn bush has a Rose
Fire burns. But it also cleans, purifies and refines. Heat melts. But out of that act of melted elements, steal is born and titanium is created. Pressure crushes. But it also produces diamonds.

Grit: The Missing Ingredient to an Awesome Life
How many dreams have been still-born by a single rejection letter or a bad interview or a critical co-worker? How many dreams have never even been inseminated by the fertilizing agent of action because of doubt and the lack of conviction or the pull of the status quo or just plain laziness? And most importantly, what quality is missing in such circumstances and how do we develop it?

How to Work, Love and Live with Negative People
Do you regularly interact with the chronically negative? Is there someone in your life who whines and moans and complains about everything, predicting doom and gloom around every corner, seeing dark clouds brooding in every silver lining? If you do, you don’t need me to tell you how draining it can be. But how can you protect your own happiness around such regular negativity?

The Value of Adversity (the oak tree poem)
When life gets dark and dreary, when the clouds of discontent swell and burst hard upon you with so much utter violence and ferocity you can scarcely take it anymore, let this simple poem inspire you through the toughest parts of your most challenging moments.