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8 More Ways Faith Can Increase Happiness
Religion offers a powerful context for the development of traits that help produce happiness in Read More.

6 Ways Religious Faith Can Increase Happiness
The data is out, but the controversy rages on. A sociologist from the University of Read More.

3 Final Ways Optimism Adds Joy to Life
Growing up with negative pessimists will likely leave an emotional and attitudinal imprint of negativity and pessimism. Growing up around praise and positive attitudes of optimism

3 More Ways Optimism Adds Joy to Life
“A pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity; an optimist sees the opportunity in every Read More.

3 Ways Optimism Adds Joy to Life
People who reflexively look at life and see hope and opportunity and beauty and noble Read More.

The Joy of Practical Optimism
Life is experienced differently – even radically differently – by those who generally see the Read More.

What Happiness Is Not … happiness vs. fun
Pursuing fun requires nothing of the person who pursues it. But happiness requires personal growth and maturity and the exercise of spiritual, moral, emotional, and mental muscles. The pursuit of happiness causes us to change, to transform

slow down. relax. look around. be happy.
To many in the modern world, life takes on characteristics of a race. And so Read More.

The Joy of Purpose … the meaning of life, part II
Happiness in many ways can be seen as a sort of barometer of the human Read More.

The Joy of Purpose … the meaning of life, part I
You were meant to be happy. Wait. That needs to be repeated: YOU were MEANT Read More.

The Joy of Purpose … finding meaning in what you do
Life is filled with opportunities to make a difference and leave the world better, to Read More.

The Joy of Purpose … doing things that matter
Many of you live lives of despair. Some of you simply feel a sense of Read More.

The Joy of Purpose
There are two words that have the potential of revolutionizing your life. They can immeasurably Read More.

5 Simple Ways to Impassion Your Life
Do you want more happiness? Has the joy of life fallen flat? Do you find Read More.

Lessons on Happiness from the Philosopher-King
Lessons on happiness can be taught by the very young and the very old alike. Read More.

13 Easy Steps to Unhappiness
Unhappiness is much easier to acquire than happiness. Happiness may create an easier life, but Read More.

The Joy of Progress
Happy people do not stand still for long. They don’t just hang around idly for Read More.

The Morality of Happiness
Does your happiness matter to others? Should it? There is one very good reason why Read More.

The Joy of Perspective
The perspective you hold of the pain you experience – the way you view what it is and what it means and why you suffer under it – much more than the pain itself, determines the role pain and suffering plays in your life.

The Joy of Passion
You were meant to find passion and excitement. You were meant to find purpose and meaning. You were meant to explore and expand and excite and create and develop and build and do. So, turn off the TV. Open the door. Go outside. Look around. What needs changing? Figure out a way