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Archive for November, 2013
Teenaged Gratitude (classroom surveys yield surprising results)
When so many worry about the rising generation, inundated with sex and violence, self-indulgent, seemingly concerned too much with what doesn’t matter, impatient, disrespectful, vulgar and ungrateful, its heartening to get a glimpse into their hearts and see that our impressions of modern youth culture may not be so bad as we thought.

The Man I Want to Be (thoughts on being a better person)
“Who you want to be is irrelevant to who you are if who you daily choose to be is different than who you wish you were.” Who we are and who we believe we should be are not always one and the same. Your Ideal You is likely somewhat higher than your Actual You. And so we read posts like this one looking for inspiration to nudge us down that path. Come see three areas we can improve on to become better people.

Rediscovering Willpower (what you need to know about the greatest human strength)
Until recently, willpower seemed like the unwanted stepchild of the character family. But willpower, it turns out, is not a self-imposed prison sentence at all. It actually frees and liberates us to pursue our best selves as possible.

How to Find 5 Extra Hours a Day (without losing sleep, skipping meals, multitasking or abandoning your family)
Do you have an extra 5 hours a day you could devote to doing what you love? If you could find 5 hours, that would translate to and extra 34 hours a week, or 136 hours most months and 1,768 hours a year. That’s a whopping 8,840 hours in just 5 years’ time and 17,680 hours in a decade you can devote to learning something, overcoming something, developing something, to creating an amazing life. If you are anything like the national average, I can offer you the gift of those 5 extra hours, free of charge.